Alien Covenant: 5/10
Prometheus was 4/10; small progress, I guess.
I dearly would love to know how awful script-writers get to attach their awful scripts to big-budget movies. Still baffling to this day.
Whilst not as jaw-droppingly terrible as Prometheus, this is frankly still a bad movie, with clunky dialog and two-dimensional characters. Fassbender is once again the highlight as the creepy synth with his own agenda. Seriously the only interesting/believable character in the whole mess. The humans/fodder don't get much development as they're all just there to be lined up and mown down (eaten) by the CGI monster.
The film was also terrible in a "How many of these scenes from the first film can we re-create, badly, in quick succession, so they have no impact and the audience is actually bored?" It's quite obscene how they can take ideas from a good film and execute them so badly that the finished article has no emotional impact whatsoever.
Perhaps I'm talking myself into giving this 4/10, but Prometheus is much worse, and I can't retrospectively give that 0/10, much as I'd like to.