What film did you watch last night?

The Last Movie Star - 3/10 - There's a story with a lot of heart somewhere in this film but it's very well hidden beneath some god awful acting from the young cast and some very odd direction choices. The story itself, about an ageing cinema star looking back on his life, is almost like a movie version of Johnny Cash's "Hurt" but the director has got Jedward to sing it instead!
Avengers: Infinity War 6/10
I thought it had way too much CGI and was a bit all over.
I think i was expecting too much, I did not like it as much as i was hoping,

I'd go 7.5/10. There is so much hype for this film and Marvel did a great job of getting in so many great characters. Unfortunately this means everyone was battling for screen time.

Also, i found myself getting bored - one battle was playing out, we'd flip to another battle etc etc. It was non-stop from start to finish and although that does sound great, punch, kick, weapons, pew, pew, pew rinse and repeat = *yawn*.

Looked and sounded great, but was a little lacking in character drive :(
Ant Man - wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. The toy fight sequence was excellently thought out and executed and was funny too.
Batman vs. Superman - 5/10

Bit of a mess, and testament to how impatient film studios can be to make a quick buck. Have they learnt nothing from the last 10 years of slow-burning Marvel? Afflek's Batman should have had his own film before this to establish the character. We're essentially introduced to the justice League in a couple of minutes' CCTV footage and they cram Doomsday into half hour at the end. The only time my heart rate raised above resting was when Wonder Woman made her appearance at the end. Looking forward to seeing that now.
Which? Both are great films, but the cuba gooding jr boxing one is one of my all time favourite films lol.
I love that one too!

I mean, it's a bit ****, but I enjoy watching it. First saw it in the TV room during a camping holiday when I was about 12 and was pretty blown away. I think that occasion has stuck with me :D
Unforgiven - 10/10.

Watched this on 4k blu-ray tonight and it looked amazing. The vista's are stunning. It's one of the few films I can watch repeatedly, it's just so good and the 4k remaster has really made it shine.
Clint Eastwood is fantastic in it, as are all the supporting cast.

Definitely my favourite Western of all time. :)
Jumanji - The New One - 8/10

Good film but not really Jumanji. Kind of a cross between Tron and Far Cry 3, sanitised for the PG audience. And since when did Karen Gillan sport a phony American accent. Also note to self, don't exclaim, "Karen Gillan - schwing", in earshot of the wife, as it kind of bursts the bubble when she points out I'm (nearly) old enough to be her grandfather.
In a trade off for dragging my other half to see Infinity War whilst we were on holiday in Portugal, I agred to go with her today to see 'I feel pretty' with Amy Schumer, expecting something pretty bad and I actually enjoyed it.

Not a laugh out loud comedy, but it had some funny moments and the message of the movie was nice.

I'm sure it would go down like a lead balloon with some of the so called 'Alphas' on this forum but my expectations were so low that I was pleasantly surprised.

I don't think it has anything to do with 'Alphas' it's that Schumer is a terrible comedian and actress :p IMDB and rotten tomatoes reviews don't bode well. I'll likely have to suffer through it at some point as my other half has a thing for watching her films :rolleyes:
The Greatest Showman. Loved it.

Hugh Jackman was brilliant, all the cast were actually. If thats his real voice, man he can sing. A really fun upbeat musical.
Avengers: Infinity War 5/10.

It was just a mess. I like the Marvel films but I am not sure why this film has such universal acclaim on this forum :confused:
Logan Lucky

loved it to be honest

I like a soderburgh heist movie and the hicks and hillbillys made it most enjoyable..especially Joe Bangs brothers
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