What film did you watch last night?

Just finished watching the original "Inglorious b'stards", quite a cheesy movie that had me laughing in some points, confused in others and downright annoyed at the ending.
As per the movies of that time it stars the token black guy and even a token white long hair.

Before hand we watched "The Reaping", quite a good horror flick with a pretty good twist to it.
Toy Story 3 (3D) - 9/10

I thought this was much better than the 2nd one although perhaps not quite as good as the first. The 3D wasn't anything special but did make a few things stand out more. Overall a return to form in the Toy Story films for Pixar :)
The Road - meh 4/10

I'm not afraid to shed a tear at a good film but The Road didn't really do anything for me. Wish I'd have watched it first before buying the Bluray.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture - pure sci-fi cheese but always worth the watch 7/10

Silent Hill: 8/10 - saw that it was on 4 in HD so had to record it. Only got a chance to watch it yesterday. Really good film IMO. I think I've read some complaints that it doesn't keep to the games storyline but I think it did pretty well. I only played Silent Hill once on Playstation but I did complete it. I thought the change-over with the siren was very good and some of the top down shots were very similar to the game.

Didn't realise it was in French, didn't take anything away from it mind, was actually a very good flick. 7.5/10
Edge of Darkness

A very enjoyable thriller except for a few holes in the plot. Also felt some of the gore was a bit unnecessary and didn't really add anything
Also watched Edge of Darkness last night, thought some of the deaths were brutal; added to the enjoyment I thought :p

Story I thought was a bit naff
Just watched the first two Bourne films, but watched Supremacy first by accident... :(

Excellent film IMO, reminded me quite a bit of Taken.
Just watched "I hope they serve beer in hell", which was an adaptation of a book written by a bloke called Tucker Max.

Book was far funnier (what I've read at any rate), but the film had a few golden moments.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Entertaining but went on a little long for mindless watching. I do love the transforming sequences, brilliantly animated. 3/5
Just watched "I hope they serve beer in hell", which was an adaptation of a book written by a bloke called Tucker Max.

Book was far funnier (what I've read at any rate), but the film had a few golden moments.

Tucker Max? Isn't he that massive bell from America who blogs about getting wasted and having the sex with the ladies?
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