What film did you watch last night?

The Silence - 3/10

a very poor, poor mans A Quiet Place. i quite like Stanley Tucci as an actor so it was quite a shame to see him in this utter guff

Bird Box - 2/10

what a load of complete and utter turd. i get that with movies you sometimes have to leave all sense of reality behind you when you sit down to watch it but this film just expects you to go to a whole other level of stupid acceptance.
it would be a solid zero if it wasn't for the fact the back story to the 'monsters' was quite interesting.

there's so much wrong with the film it would take far too long to explain. avoid like the plague.

no, no you cannot expect me to believe it's possible to drive a car with totally blacked out windows while relying on it's sat nav and proximity sensors to guide you to a supermarket several ******* streets away - streets that were littered with burnt out wrecks, bodies and **** knows what other paraphernalia
no, no you cannot expect me to believe it's possible to paddle down a ******* river blindfolded and survive - oh oh and also survive being flipped out in the rapids and find the 2 blindfolded children, one of whom has carried a box with 3 birds in it that have also survived being flung about in the rapids...
just **** off!!

Maybe you shouldn't be watching films, what about trying factually correct documentaries ;)
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Maybe you shouldn't be watching films, about trying factually correct documentaries ;)
huh? fraid to say you've lost me here.

edit: d'oh, i get it now!

in my defence, i watch a lot of films and appreciate that you need to suspend belief a lot of the time but it has to depend on the context. some of the things bird box expected you to believe were just stupid and broke the movie for me. if they'd just tried a bit harder, maybe added that the survivors were endowed with some hightened sense of sound or something like that - anything that helped make the viewer believe that they could navigate blind (not using the satnav on their car though lol) then i could have bought into it and probably really enjoyed it. as it was i just thought it was guff. :p
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El Camino [Netflix] - Perhaps not as great as I'd hoped it would be, but still good and a must watch for BB fans. It was more like a couple of really good episodes rather than anything epic I guess. Still a solid 7½/10.
Just finished Get Out. Not the sort of film I'd usually watch as I'm not a big horror fan, but Mark Kermode had banged on about it enough for me give it a go.

Definitely something a bit different, well directed, good pacing and genuinely creepy early on. Gets a little ridiculous later. Decent though, 7/10.

Just watched. Definite something different.....Enjoyed it & agree with your score
Just felt Breaking bad was done, the ending was perfect. Just didn't need an extra double episode.

It's a 6/10 really, but as a fan of breaking bad, I'll give it an extra point 7/10.
Just finished Get Out. Not the sort of film I'd usually watch as I'm not a big horror fan, but Mark Kermode had banged on about it enough for me give it a go.

Definitely something a bit different, well directed, good pacing and genuinely creepy early on. Gets a little ridiculous later. Decent though, 7/10.

Have a look at Us by same director. More madness
Shaft (2019)

Feels it should be better than it is, but doesn't quite land its tricks. Not funny enough to be a comedy, not slick enough to be the retro action movie it dresses itself at.

Missable but not awful 5/10
Judy. 9/10. I’d hate to be in the best actress category this year cause they havent got a chance. Excellent performance and very moving story. I had a bit of a lip wobble quite a few times.

El Camino. 7/10. Great to be back in BB land. Todd really was looney tunes.
Joker - 5/10

acting from JP was top draw but the plot, pacing and progression of the film was bad. It felt like pure Oscar fodder which lacked any real substance behind it.

I went in with an open mind and wanted to enjoy it but I simply didn’t. There was no subtle subplot, there was no clever social commentary. Struggling to see how it’s getting such praise.
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