What film did you watch last night?

Wouldn't mind a few suggestions for a movie to sink eyes and brain into this evening, don't mind what genre but nothing with a heavy romance theme.

Films I like a lot:
Saving Private Ryan
Blackhawk Down
Blade runner films
SAW films
Hereditary (similar sort of horror themed flicks, e.g. It Follows, US, Get Out, Midsommar)
Scorsese/Tarantino films...

Thanks. :)
Wouldn't mind a few suggestions for a movie to sink eyes and brain into this evening, don't mind what genre but nothing with a heavy romance theme.

Films I like a lot:
Saving Private Ryan
Blackhawk Down
Blade runner films
SAW films
Hereditary (similar sort of horror themed flicks, e.g. It Follows, US, Get Out, Midsommar)
Scorsese/Tarantino films...

Thanks. :)

Random suggestion. The Nice Guys - Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling. Thought it was very good and hilarious with a Tarantino feel.
Watched Zombieland this afternoon in preparation for seeing the sequel next week; glad to read some positive comments already, I'm looking forward to it.
Wouldn't mind a few suggestions for a movie to sink eyes and brain into this evening, don't mind what genre but nothing with a heavy romance theme.

Films I like a lot:
Saving Private Ryan
Blackhawk Down
Blade runner films
SAW films
Hereditary (similar sort of horror themed flicks, e.g. It Follows, US, Get Out, Midsommar)
Scorsese/Tarantino films...

Thanks. :)

I'm probably in a minority but I don't like these live action remakes at all. They don't add, change or improve anything over the original movies and purely feel like tech demos of what can be done. I mentioned in another thread that Disney are creatively bankrupt and with the success of Marvel & Star Wars, they don't seem to care anymore.

If you ignore Pixar, Disney still have their moments:

Big Hero 6
If you ignore Pixar, Disney still have their moments:

Big Hero 6

I did like Zootopia/tropolis and Moana...Big Hero 6 fell off quickly at the mid point and was bored by the end though.

I agree, they are doing a few good things here and there, however through most of my life, a Disney release was a high point and something to look forward to.

Now its a lot of focus on live action remakes and not a lot of unique ideas coming through. Sign of the times perhaps, maybe just a sign of my increasing years and impatience for lack of original ideas. :D
Hobbs & Shaw - brain off silly over the top fun. Lost count of how many times I said **** off to some of the stunts. Vanessa Kirby is delicious btw. 7/10
I'll second this, very funny with good action and one of the few times Shane Black managed a good movie.
Agreed. Utterly brilliant film :)


Hotel Mumbai - wow, this was a seriously intense film. I was watching it with family and they had to pause it twice for a break as it was a bit much for them at times. Seriously shocking stuff, does a good job at raising awareness of a multitude of issues including stereotyping. Wholeheartedly recommend.
Eli on Netflix - 8/10. Difficult to write much without spoilering it but good twist at the end that I didnt see coming. Also got to say that, even with her small role in the film, I do feel that the red head girl from stranger things is a really good actress with a promising future ahead
The trouble with knowing there is a twist coming can detract from the enjoyment of the movie as you can be distracted trying to figure it out. I wouldn't consider it a spoiler as such but when I watch the movie now I will definitely be focused on what the twist might be rather than just going with the flow. Not sure how much of that made sense :D
Men In Black: International. Oh dear. Liam Neeson calls it in, Chris Hemsworth plays his cocky Thor character with as much effort as the film deserves, Rebecca Fergusson is one little bright spot, and I just wanted to punch Tessa Thompson in her smug face. The comedy falls flat on almost every occasion, the story is a trite but predictable cliche, and mostly done better in the first film, but the visuals are good, showing once again that pretty CGI is more important in Hollywood than characters and story.

It's well made, but badly put together, rather like a tailor made suit with the finest material and workmanship, but every part is the wrong size, colour and fit. More effort could have made a good film, but it's mediocre at best, and the franchise deserves better than this.
Zombieland Doubletap at the cinema last night. Loved it! Great humour, following pretty much the same pattern and ways from the first movie. Woody Harrelson is really becoming one of my favorite actors as well. 8//10
The trouble with knowing there is a twist coming can detract from the enjoyment of the movie as you can be distracted trying to figure it out. I wouldn't consider it a spoiler as such but when I watch the movie now I will definitely be focused on what the twist might be rather than just going with the flow. Not sure how much of that made sense :D

Yeah I can understand the logic of that
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