What film did you watch last night?

I seem to remember the Nice Guys felt like a film I had seen a thousand times before. Only not remotely funny and not very interesting. Not one I’d recommend, soz!!
99 Homes 8/10

Spiderman (Andrew Garfield) in a serious role about home evictions, lots of money, corruption and a moral dilemma around the 2008 housing crisis in America.
Watchmen 7.5/10
Best superhero film I have seen. Very dark, good dialogue, complex story and very gritty. No constant wisecracking from the characters either. Far better than all the generic marvel rubbish.
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I seem to remember the Nice Guys felt like a film I had seen a thousand times before. Only not remotely funny and not very interesting. Not one I’d recommend, soz!!

I was a little disappointed by it. Probably because it's no where near as good as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. If you haven't seen that then you'd probably enjoy Nice Guys more.
Arrival. (Again, for the 20th time).

Never bores, always gets a 11/10 from me. Other thought provoking film recommendations welcome (if that want a too vague request).
Arrival. (Again, for the 20th time).

Never bores, always gets a 11/10 from me. Other thought provoking film recommendations welcome (if that want a too vague request).

Damn good film. Quite emotional at times as well, if I do say so myself. You might have already seen it, but Source Code (2011), is a pretty thought provoking film.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) - 5/10

There’s plenty of spectacular special effects full of magic and colour in this somewhat traditional movie, but unfortunately, there’s not a lot of story or memorable events to keep things interesting.

It picks up at the end because of the large scale action and climatic finale, but the weak plot, so-so acting, lack of comedic moments and cast of underdeveloped characters make things a little boring overall.

Typical Disney ending, although Jolie’s performance and the little porcupine character were good.
The Big Lebowski

Had never ever seen this before. What a bizarre yet brilliant film :D

Can't say I had likes Jeff Bridges before seeing this either :)
Have you watched Primer ?
No I havent, thanks for the tip.

Damn good film. Quite emotional at times as well, if I do say so myself. You might have already seen it, but Source Code (2011), is a pretty thought provoking film.
Ive seen Source code but a long time ago, I might even have it on itunes. I'll watch again.

Mother! with Jennifer Lawrence...what on earth did i just watch, def a thinker.
Cheers, I'll look out for it.

I’m guessing you’ve probably already seen it but I liked ‘Moon”.
Loved Moon.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) - 5/10

There’s plenty of spectacular special effects full of magic and colour in this somewhat traditional movie, but unfortunately, there’s not a lot of story or memorable events to keep things interesting.

It picks up at the end because of the large scale action and climatic finale, but the weak plot, so-so acting, lack of comedic moments and cast of underdeveloped characters make things a little boring overall.

Typical Disney ending, although Jolie’s performance and the little porcupine character were good.

Seeing this in imax tonight. Not sure if gf has worked out I have a bit of a thing for Jolie
The Man From Earth: Holocene

I have a soft-spot for the low-budget original, so was surprised to see that they had made a sequal.

Still low budget, still ropey acting, but there is just something about the storyline I enjoy.

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