What film did you watch last night?

Holmes & Watson - (Will Ferrell & John C Reilly) not my choice but better than I expected but I expected complete turd! 2/5
The Shining. 2/10

Finally got round to watching this and wish i never bothered.

Can't see why this was classed as a masterpiece. Long and drawn out with not a lot happening.

Maybe it would have been better seeing it in 1980.

Seriously? 2/10 for the shining? This film is an absolute masterpiece!

Out of interest, what do you class as a good film?
What did Jack do? - David Lynch/10

A 17 min black and white 'noir' style short where a detective (Lynch) interrogates a monkey suspected of murder. It's on Netflix.

If you're a Lynch fan you'll enjoy this, surreal and captivating :) If you've not seen any of his films, don't start with this :D
Ad Astra 9/10. What a movie! The emotional undertones really struck a cord with me.

Braveheart 8/10. I'd had a few to drink and the ending almost made me cry. That never happens! I thought I was dead inside :D.
Braveheart 8/10. I'd had a few to drink and the ending almost made me cry. That never happens! I thought I was dead inside :D.

Ahh, Patrick McGoohan makes this film, love his dastardly play as King Edward "Longshanks". It is a great film.

The slo-mo scene where Mel is avenging, one of the best scenes in a movie!

I remember visiting Edinburgh a few years after the release and the film was everywhere, I was almost afraid to say I was british. ;)
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Ahh, Patrick McGoohan makes this film, love his dastardly play as King Edward "Longshanks". It is a great film.

The slo-mo scene where Mel is avenging, one of the best scenes in a movie!

I remember visiting Edinburgh a few years after the release and the film was everywhere, I was almost afraid to say I was british. ;)
I'm in Edinburgh for a stag do this weekend.... And I'm British
How old are you?

Nearly old enough to have seen it at the pictures when it first came out. ;)

Seriously? 2/10 for the shining? This film is an absolute masterpiece!

Out of interest, what do you class as a good film?

Sorry if my opinion upsets you/anyone.

I like a lot of movies, but this one just did not do it for me.

As for a good Kubrick movie, I prefer Full Metal Jacket. That to me deserves 8/10.
Nearly old enough to have seen it at the pictures when it first came out. ;)

Mmmmmm, i thought you may have been a youngster with a comment like that ie needs action immediately or mind starts to wander ergo "not a good movie" - so i'm a bit stumped as to why you didn't enjoy it :(

Yes it's a slow burner, but the suspense is built up extremely well and Jack Nicholson is phenomenal in the role.

Oh well, as you say, each to their own.
The Shining. 2/10

Finally got round to watching this and wish i never bothered.

Can't see why this was classed as a masterpiece. Long and drawn out with not a lot happening.

Maybe it would have been better seeing it in 1980.

Don't worry, I'm not a huge fan either and I've seen it two or three times

5/10 from me. I find Kubrick on the whole, quite dull.
Contagion. 5 / 10 but it did remind me of how utterly annoying Gwyneth Paltrow is (was).

^ Yowsers on the hate for The Shining! Easily one of the best, if not the best, Stephen King adaptations to screen!
The Shining seems to have been hyped in the last decade or so by many parties as the greatest horror ever.

I think the narrative is quite open to interpretation and so different people read into it in different ways. This is most evident in the documentary "Room 237" which attempts to uncover the hidden meanings of the film. The theories are wild and varied and it shows you how open to interpretation it is. I actually find the mythos that has sprung up around the film more interesting than the film itself.

There are some stunning parts, some of the most iconic in cinema. But as a whole, as a viewer experience I'm always left feeling somewhat unsatisfied. It's a film everyone has to see once because of its cultural importance but it's like a 7/10 for me. Stephen King famously hated it and I can see why.
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Knives Out - 5/10

Not nearly as funny/entertaining as everyone seemed to think it was :confused: I enjoyed it, I didn't regret watching it but it just wasn't that great. I also struggled to stay awake during the final 20mins where everything gets explained, I blame that on the Burns Night whiskies :o
Rambo - Last Blood - 6/10

It's a movie through and through. You'll never get the greatest story line from these films but it's still just a fun action movie to watch.

Joker - 9/10

Loved it which I never do with DC films the first time around. It was very dark but amazingly filmed and acted. You could truly see him becoming the joker, one of the best Joker's yet.

Terminator - Dak Fate - 6/10

Had to question whether the opening clips had been original ones reused or new CGI, very well done. Rest of the story was rather generic with little to no emotional connection to the characters or story. It did the one thing that is really annoying me lately in films, the token "women rule" scene. They did it in Avengers where all the women ganged together and they did it in this with the "she doesn't give birth to the man who leads scene..." I've a daughter and I encourage her the same as my son, she can do anything she puts her mind too but these scenes they shoehorn into films seems to be there just to score points, it feels fake and as such, undermines the message.
Terminator Dark Fate.

I thought it was going to be bad, assumed it'd be bad and knew it was going to bad ... you guessed it, it was bad.

Generous 3/10.
Hotel Mumbai - 8/10

Very intense, enjoyed not quite the correct word to describe it - experienced perhaps. Not sure how much was fictionalised or pumped up for dramatic effect but it sits with dramatisations of similar events. Makes you think what you would do if faced with that situation.
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