District 9 absolutley not what I expected 9/10.
It'll be the film of the year, it's confusing as ****, it's not enjoyable because of that most of the time, iv'e no desire to watch again.
That being said, it is a great film, i thought it was rather brilliant, quite a masterpiece.
For me anyway, it just wasn't that enjoyable ride through, the start sequences set the tone, i was playing thinking catchup for the next 30 minutes, by then i spent the entire film watching it too closely, understanding it rather than enjoying it.
9/10 my personal opinion counts for nothing![]()
Shame they went with Bradley Cooper imo, he is fine enough as Templeton Peck but I couldnt help thinking that Ryan Reynolds would have made a brilliant Faceman.
Actually thats exactly what i thought as well...Cooper is ok, he was good in the hangover but Faceman should have been Ryan Reynolds...i think he would have been much better in that role as he has a good comedy delivery style and can do the action scenes as well like he did in the 2nd Blade movie i think it was.
Just finished watching Falling Down
Just finished watching The Prestige
I think i spoiled it for myself a bit because i spent the last hour of the film trying to figure out what the ending was going to be....i failed.
I would give it a very enjoyable 8/10