What film did you watch last night?

The Damned United.

An enjoyable film and some good performances. No the type of film i'd normally goo for but it was on the tellie.
I've had a Nazi filled weekend;

Watched Inglourious ******** Saturday; was pretty good, was much better than I expected.

Watched Valkyrie last night; rubbish Tom Cruise playing a German with a yanky accent? Bill Nighy playing a German with a Brit accent? Utter utter tosh!
Watched Inception last night...

Absolutely mind blowing :p
Kind of already want to see it again to see if I can understand it a little better :p
Watched 2 classics last night....

The Big Boss

Enter the Dragon

Watched Repo Men on Friday night, meh is all i can say....it started of quite well and was an interesting concept, but soon got very boring and predictable. 5.5/10
Two for me over the weekend:-

Sherlock Holmes - more enjoyable than I thought it would be, also a lot more fisticuffs than I had thought but reading into it the original stories were more action oriented (not read any since school). 3/5

Gran Torino - Clint at 78 is still a force to be reckoned with! Very moving story about an old guy out of touch with his family slowly learning to get on with his Asian neighbours. 4/5
Inglourious ******** - Brilliant film, loved it. 9/10

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Entertaining, but not a fan seeing as their nothing like the comics :o Still pretty entertaining
Solomon Kane - 6/10 I thought it was OK.

Star Trek III The Search for Spock - watching all the Trek films in HD. This one gets 6/10. Voyage Home afterwards and then they largely go down hill until First Contact.
Managed to watch the new A Team movie last night...not bad and actually quite enjoyed it...Jessica Biel looking as fine as ever and loved the new Faceman aka Bradley Cooper...wasnt that impressed with the new BA Baracus and Murdoch and Hannibal were both a bit meh.

Looking forward to the next installment if they decide to do one...its a good turn your brain off type of movie.
Managed to watch the new A Team movie last night...not bad and actually quite enjoyed it...Jessica Biel looking as fine as ever and loved the new Faceman aka Bradley Cooper...wasnt that impressed with the new BA Baracus and Murdoch and Hannibal were both a bit meh.

Looking forward to the next installment if they decide to do one...its a good turn your brain off type of movie.

Shame they went with Bradley Cooper imo, he is fine enough as Templeton Peck but I couldnt help thinking that Ryan Reynolds would have made a brilliant Faceman.
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