What film did you watch last night?

I tried to watch Inglorious ******** but could not get into it.

I think Tarantino has worn thin for me. Tried to be too clever with dialogue and whilst that was great with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, I don't seem to enjoy it now as I did then.

Those 3 daughters were fit though.
Law Abiding Citizen, interesting film with a great start and middle but really seemed to lose something towards the end. The shift from rooting for Gerrard's character to supposedly rooting for Jamie Foxx's just didn't work for me, doesn't feel right to have a forged allegiance with a character shifted in the last 30 minutes of the film.

However some of the executions were superbly done, had the Mrs jumping off the couch at one point. :D

Meh, I thought Inglorious... was one of the best films of last year. Christoph Waltz was sensational.

Max Payne on Friday night - utter dross - terrible story. Couldn't watch through to the end. Fail. 2/10.

Wild Wild West - Below average family action flick with Will Smith playing Will Smith. 4/10.
Watched Toy Story 2 yesterday in anticpation for 3. Not as good as the original but still worth a watch. Right now I'm watching Superman 2 ("Kneel before Zod!") on Five and Finding Nemo is on after. Class.
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I tried to watch Inglorious ******** but could not get into it.

I think Tarantino has worn thin for me. Tried to be too clever with dialogue and whilst that was great with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, I don't seem to enjoy it now as I did then.

Those 3 daughters were fit though.

The Jew Hunter steals the film imo, I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought he was hilarious yet disturbing at the same time.
I tried to watch Inglorious ******** but could not get into it.

I think Tarantino has worn thin for me. Tried to be too clever with dialogue and whilst that was great with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, I don't seem to enjoy it now as I did then.

Those 3 daughters were fit though.

The Jew Hunter steals the film imo, I thoroughly enjoyed it and thought he was hilarious yet disturbing at the same time.

Agreed. Christoph Waltz was awesome, everything else was pretty average.
Alien vs Predator is on at the moment. Nothing else on TV so might as well watch this. 6/10.
You could've watched..................


9/10. Not everyone's cup of tea but a fantastic drama nonetheless.
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