What film did you watch last night?

The Platform. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8228288/

Intriguing and quite violent in parts. Worth a watch if you like films such as The Cube. Very well put together.

I'll never be able to get that sound of the buzzer out of my head...

I’ll never get the image of someone ******** on someone’s face out of my head. I’m not German ffs, I didn’t want to see that :D
The Gentlemen - 7½ / 10

I go possibly even go an 8. Interesting story, well told. Good characters, good script and your fairly standard Guy Ritchie movie I guess.
The Gentlemen - 7½ / 10

I go possibly even go an 8. Interesting story, well told. Good characters, good script and your fairly standard Guy Ritchie movie I guess.

I think I would rank The Gentlemen as Ritchie's third best movie of the ones I've seen. Don't think it's far away from Snatch and Lock, Stock. I saw it the other night again (saw it originally at the cinema) and really enjoy it.
The Gentlemen - 7½ / 10

I go possibly even go an 8. Interesting story, well told. Good characters, good script and your fairly standard Guy Ritchie movie I guess.

I disagree, the constant C bombing alienated me from the characters...the dialogue felt like a script...none of them I really cared for and the only remotely interesting character for me was Huge Grants...the story was dull and the characters 2 dimensional and it was cringe from start to finish....

I watched it few days ago for the life of me can’t remember how it ended...
I watched The Platform on Netflix last night. As others have said, quite a cube vibe coming from it. I enjoyed what it set out do to but I thought the story could have been developed more.

On a side note, when I started watching it I was thinking "why is my sound out of sync!?". Spent the next 20 minutes fiddling with settings. No luck. Realised the film was Spanish and it had somehow defaulted to English dub and forehead slapped myself haha!
Finally got around to watching Alien: Covenant, and it's as dire as Prometheus. It looks great, but the story and characters are terrible. It's full of supposedly experts making dumb choices for dumb reasons. The only person who's any good is Michael Fassbender, and all he does is chew the scenery as a lunatic Dr Frankenstein synthetic. You know the film is bad when you're cheering the aliens to eat the crew so as to put them out of your misery.

I don't understand how there are so many good stories in books and comics set in the Alien universe, but they can't seem to put out a good film. I'm not even talking about something as good as Alien/Aliens, Prometheus/Covenant can't even get to Alien 3/Alien 4 standards. Stop letting the directors write the scripts!
Finally got around to watching Alien: Covenant, and it's as dire as Prometheus. It looks great, but the story and characters are terrible. It's full of supposedly experts making dumb choices for dumb reasons. The only person who's any good is Michael Fassbender, and all he does is chew the scenery as a lunatic Dr Frankenstein synthetic. You know the film is bad when you're cheering the aliens to eat the crew so as to put them out of your misery.

I don't understand how there are so many good stories in books and comics set in the Alien universe, but they can't seem to put out a good film. I'm not even talking about something as good as Alien/Aliens, Prometheus/Covenant can't even get to Alien 3/Alien 4 standards. Stop letting the directors write the scripts!

Indeed. Fassbender for a good actor, has bee in some of the worst movies made.
That gubbins, Prometheus, and check out The Counsellor, an absolutely dire film packed with A-listers, well worth a watch for just how to make a terrible movie more awful.
The platform 7/10
Was worried this may be a little brutal for the sake of it, but actually it was a fairly deep and intelligent film. Far better than a lot of Hollywood films that cost ten times the amount to make. Ending was a little bit of a let down though.

I have quite a bit to say on this one. This is one goofy movie. I really liked the tone - lighthearted toying with dark subject matter. Some of the imagery was great. I was particularly bemused with the ‘flat man’ on the hanger and him zipping into a wall.

It was also very funny in places too. Jeffrey Jones is just hilarious. All those little silly scenes with him minding his own business are fantastic. Likewise, Catherine O’Hara was great! Really underrated performances - everyone goes on about Michael Keaton in this film but those two surpassed him. The dance scene, which would be trash on paper, was also legitimately funny because of those actors. Really good.

The film itself feels a bit choppy, like we are only seeing perhaps 2/3 of what they actually filmed. Not a plot heavy film but many plot elements are not really explained at all and you have to make a bit of a leap to explain them.... or just shrug and go ‘ah what the heck I do not need to understand this’. I was somewhat confused with how BJ got stuck in the model village and what the consequences were of his escape... and also why the two ghosts were mysteriously re-dying at the end (wiki suggests that an exorcism was unwittingly performed which makes sense but yeah, not obvious at all from what’s actually on screen)!!

The other thing that really struck me was that there is barely any Beetlejuice in the film. At all!! Like, maybe 15 -20 minutes out of a 90 minute film. Sort of surprised me. Doesn’t really matter, it just wasn’t what I expected.

All in all, definitely worth a watch if you like things that are spooky and want something that will bemuse you. Just anticipate that it will be a little junky and assume that there is barely any Beetlejuice!

The Gentlemen - 7/10 - Guy Richie back to making "Guy Richie Type" films and he's bloody good at it! Easily on par with Lock Stock, Sherlock Holmes and Snatch etc and way better than his recent guff of Aladdin and King Arthur. The whole cast was great with Hugh Grant standing out as fantastic but my only casting disappointment was that Guy Richie keeps casting Charlie Hunnam and the guy just can't make the cross-over to movies (loved him in Sons of Anarchy) and as he's such a central character we get to spend too much time with him and it grates to see the actor fail so hard.

The script is tight if a little "over the top fake" sweary in places, the action scenes are well done, the story is typically "Guy Richie Twisty, the soundtrack is great and the visuals are very good too. Other than Hunnam, for me anyway, it's a bloody good film.
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