What film did you watch last night?

Watched Emma the night before and this was just ok, Anya Taylor-Joy is gorgeous but i don't think being blonde suits her and the story felt unfocused and all over the place, there's no narrative flow to engage you. Fantastic cinematography and the costumes/sets are amazing to watch, performances are on point. But it loses points on the story itself. 6/10
Is there a draft in here?

The second one is rubbish and very boring, but plough through it because the 3rd is surprisingly good and the last half goes out into full-blown action romp.

Does it actually pick up well then for the third movie?

I surprisingly really enjoyed the first then couldn't even finish the second as it was so dull.
While I knew he was on about the arnie version, the remake isn't all that bad and is far more faithful an adaption of the source material.

Oh...and Kate Beckinsale :D
Casino, 8/10.

Having recently watched Goodfellas and The Irishman (in the cinema!), I was craving some Casino. Another one that has been a long time. It's so good, so well paced another movie where I didn't feel like it was three hours long.

Oh and Sharon Stone! ;)
"The Platform"

Alien 3 commits are cardinal sin of rubbishing the end of the film that went before. Apart from that, I remember it as being quite good. It's been a while since I saw it. It's certainly a mile above anything that's come after it.

I own a prop from Aien 3. One of the coats that the inmates wore.
Dr Strange

My wife said it looked a demo for a CGI company. I can't say I disagree. Which would be fine if the actual film was better. It takes almost an hour to drag through the introduction, during which a bad thing happens to our hero, Dr Strange, and he goes and learns to be a badass wizard as a result. The trouble is that when the bad thing happens we're not given much reason to care about him, or remotely like him, and the bad thing is entirely his fault anyway so it doesn't exactly have any dramatic tension. The rest of the time, the film struggles to deliver impactful action scenes because you're never given any sense of where the limits of their capabilities lie. It's got some cleverness to it, it's funny in places, and all that CGI sure can be pretty, but without anything much to make your care it's an utterly forgetful CGI fest.

Not Marvel's finest hour: 4/10
6 Underground

Nauseatingly Michael Bay with typical all over the place ADD editing, mildly entertaining and can easily play on your phone while you're watching this.

More Ghibli films:

Whisper of the Heart - 8/10. Strange this in that it felt very ‘real life’ for most of the film and then became twee in the very final scene, which I found a little jarring. Otherwise, great!

The Cat Returns - 4/10. This didn’t really seem to have a point at all... it didn’t feel very whimsical / charming. Pretty disappointed and definitely one of the weaker films.
Knives Out
What is it with Rian Johnson making utterly **** films which critics seem to love? First he kills star wars then makes this, which admittedly isn't as bad as TLJ but is almost singled handedly ruined by Daniel Craig's ridiculous southern accent. Plotline is tedious, overuse of current political buzz words is cringe worthy and given the amazing cast is just... Well confusing how it could be so bad.

Salem's Lot. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079844/

I've never got beyond the early stages of this before for some reason, despite it being the sort of subject matter which appeals quite strongly to me.

Well worth it, though. David Soul and James Mason deliver pretty good performances, so I may check out some of Mason's work as I've not seen many films with him in.

Additionally, I might take a look at the 2017 remake at some point which I believe stars Rob Lowe.

The rocking chair scene still creeps me out, ever since I was a kid :D

Requiem for a Dream

Damn, this was good! Hadn't seen it before, but loved it throughout. Need to check out some more Aronofski movies, I see Pi is also on Prime, so might start with that.

Also, I've fallen in love with year-2000 Jennifer Connelly.
Sticking with Aronofski, I watched Black Swan.

It was bloody great!
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