Red Dwarf - The Promised Land - do feature length episodes count as films? Anyway, nice little jaunt down memory Lane with the boys from the Dwarf (especially Holly). 4/5 (would be less without the nostalgia though)
In recent days I tried to watch Spiderman:Far from home, but gave up after ten minutes; silly high-tech costume, silly teenage angst plot, and I don't find Holland convincing in the role. 0/10
I then tried Venom, because Tom Hardy's usually watchable. Made it to about half an hour before his silly inner dialogue made it too daft to bother with the rest of the already typically creaky Marvel plot. 4/10
Finished watching Under the Skin.
Intriguing yet very strange film. It kept me watching to see what would happen next.
The bit where the baby/toddler was left crying on the beach was really quite difficult to watch.
And at the very end when she (or it) peels her skin off to reveal an alien underneath took me by surprise, even though I was expecting something like that to finally happen.
Deadpool raised the Marvel bar so high, for me, that it casts a very long shadow over the rest of the rather over-stretched franchise now. To be fair to them, I am about a million years older than the target demographic. Special effects entertainment peaked in 1973 with Michael Bentine's Potty Time as far as I'm concerned.This post makes me glad to be me and perhaps easily amused/entertained![]()
I had the same reaction to Venom, and Spiderman: Homecoming. Couldn't finish either.In recent days I tried to watch Spiderman:Far from home, but gave up after ten minutes; silly high-tech costume, silly teenage angst plot, and I don't find Holland convincing in the role. 0/10
I then tried Venom, because Tom Hardy's usually watchable. Made it to about half an hour before his silly inner dialogue made it too daft to bother with the rest of the already typically creaky Marvel plot. 4/10
Well i really do not know...
but i sat through it glued to the screen, been a while since a movie has done that to me.
A solid 9/10
Likewise. It was different, weird and kept me glued to the screen 9/10 - loved it!
I can't decide whether I'd enjoy The Platform or not. Given I don't like thrillers, horrors or movies of that ilk, am I likely to not like The Platform? It seems like it could be about people just being ****** to each other?
I can't decide whether I'd enjoy The Platform or not. Given I don't like thrillers, horrors or movies of that ilk, am I likely to not like The Platform? It seems like it could be about people just being ****** to each other?
I watched this over two or three evenings in smaller parts. All in all, quite good.
Good performances throughout.
Even though it's nothing new to see main characters die in films, I was still quite surprised to see Paltrow and Winslet kick the bucket, which contributed effectively to the impact made during the viewing experience. Jude Law's accent was pretty good, too.
Was thinking she was away to recover in the Nightengale hospital and then boom, cut to her being heaved into the lime pit in a body bag. Brutal.