In recent days I tried to watch Spiderman:Far from home, but gave up after ten minutes; silly high-tech costume, silly teenage angst plot, and I don't find Holland convincing in the role. 0/10
I then tried to watch Mortal Engines, about the mobile cities... made it fifteen minutes, but only because I was too busy laughing to operate the remote. -3/10
I then tried Venom, because Tom Hardy's usually watchable. Made it to about half an hour before his silly inner dialogue made it too daft to bother with the rest of the already typically creaky Marvel plot. 4/10
But tonight, finally, I managed to make it all the way through something! Passengers. I wasn't sure at the start, but it was actually a pretty well crafted SF tale (ignoring the iffy science, but there was one bit of physics plotting which made up for that). 7/10