Yesterday by Danny Boyle 8/10 a very nicely made feel good movie. Hits all the right notes pulls all the right strings plus loads of Beatles covers. Hard not to like.
Requiem for a Dream
Damn, this was good! Hadn't seen it before, but loved it throughout. Need to check out some more Aronofski movies, I see Pi is also on Prime, so might start with that.
Also, I've fallen in love with year-2000 Jennifer Connelly.
Continuing with Aronofski films, I watched The Wrestler. Less flashy and weird, and more gritty than Requiem and Black Swan, it was great but I didn't love it quite as much as the other two. I think I rather like the flashiness and weirdness, so missed it here.Sticking with Aronofski, I watched Black Swan.
It was bloody great!
I haven't been in here before. But i felt i needed to vent.
Had The Predator 2018 waiting to be watched for months. I've never felt so confused in my life, and i've fallen asleep at the cinema before. I'm still not sure if i enjoyed or hated the movie. I'm easily pleased film wise, but jeeze, this one.
My review, i think.
The film was scripted/written by multiple people with no back reading by each of them, no director present at time of filming, and was put into windows movie maker an hour before release to chop out some scenes to get it shortened.
I think that is a fair, non bias, emotionless review of the film.
But...but...but Shane Black was supposed to be the great saviour of the Predator franchise.
He's hit gold a few times in his career but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He's also responsible for one of the worst MCU movies.