What film did you watch last night?

Code 8 - pretty formulaic drama about a world where people with super powers are being made illegal and end up turning to crime. Kind of like an inverse Incredibles or X-Men with no suits. On Netflix, apparently it was a crowd funded project on a very small budget so hats off to them, shame it wasn't very good . 2/5
Yesterday by Danny Boyle 8/10 a very nicely made feel good movie. Hits all the right notes pulls all the right strings plus loads of Beatles covers. Hard not to like.

Have you seen Blinded by the light, another feel good movie of a similar theme.

Watched it last night very good and better than Yesterday in my opinion.
Requiem for a Dream

Damn, this was good! Hadn't seen it before, but loved it throughout. Need to check out some more Aronofski movies, I see Pi is also on Prime, so might start with that.

Also, I've fallen in love with year-2000 Jennifer Connelly.
Sticking with Aronofski, I watched Black Swan.

It was bloody great!
Continuing with Aronofski films, I watched The Wrestler. Less flashy and weird, and more gritty than Requiem and Black Swan, it was great but I didn't love it quite as much as the other two. I think I rather like the flashiness and weirdness, so missed it here.

As an aside, I was a little taken aback at how smokin' Marisa Tomei was at age 43!
Knives Out - 7.5/10.

Decent film, good whodunnit with some interesting twists. Daniel Craig's southern drawl was a bit distracting though. Well worth a rental.
I watched Tolkien.


It was really good actually. Its not a block buster but when the pace started to slow to a point where I started to drift, it picked back up again and kept me gripped.
Beyond the Woods 2016 Low budget, Irish horror. 6/10 - it's very low budget, some acting and dialogue is a bit iffy but they came up with an interesting concept and I thought it was worth a watch.
Beyond the woods 4.5/10
Way too much chit chat between a group of people you don't really care about. Pretty much nothing happens until the last 20 minutes where it all gets a bit silly.
Coffee and Kareem :/. Came up on Netflix and thought it looked pretty good but was absolute dog crap.

2/10 and that’s me being generous. Absolutely atrocious.
I haven't been in here before. But i felt i needed to vent.

Had The Predator 2018 waiting to be watched for months. I've never felt so confused in my life, and i've fallen asleep at the cinema before. I'm still not sure if i enjoyed or hated the movie. I'm easily pleased film wise, but jeeze, this one.

My review, i think.
The film was scripted/written by multiple people with no back reading by each of them, no director present at time of filming, and was put into windows movie maker an hour before release to chop out some scenes to get it shortened.

I think that is a fair, non bias, emotionless review of the film.
I haven't been in here before. But i felt i needed to vent.

Had The Predator 2018 waiting to be watched for months. I've never felt so confused in my life, and i've fallen asleep at the cinema before. I'm still not sure if i enjoyed or hated the movie. I'm easily pleased film wise, but jeeze, this one.

My review, i think.
The film was scripted/written by multiple people with no back reading by each of them, no director present at time of filming, and was put into windows movie maker an hour before release to chop out some scenes to get it shortened.

I think that is a fair, non bias, emotionless review of the film.

The Predator has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Everything that made the original great is completely missing. This is everything wrong with film making today. Utter garbage 2/10.
But...but...but Shane Black was supposed to be the great saviour of the Predator franchise.

He's hit gold a few times in his career but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He's also responsible for one of the worst MCU movies.
But...but...but Shane Black was supposed to be the great saviour of the Predator franchise.

He's hit gold a few times in his career but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. He's also responsible for one of the worst MCU movies.

I think he just suits a certain style, buddy cop/crime thrillers he seems to excel at. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang is a great film, The Nice Guys was good and he was a writer on Lethal Weapon 1 & 2.

It doesn't seem to translate well to big-budget stuff like IM3.

The Predator was absolute tosh though.
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