What film did you watch last night?

Synecdoche, New York - what can I say written by and the directorial debut of Charlie Kaufman and you can tell. If you have seen anything else written bu Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) you know it is going to be a bit weird. It was weird but very good and odd and thought provoking and funny and painful.

Very quick plot summary if you are interested - Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Caden a theatre director who's life is falling apart but gets the chance to put on a huge play in New York, the film then follows him for the next 30 years of oddness.

I really enjoyed it but it could be a bit too odd for some, my rating 4/5 (nearly 5!).
Inception, night before last, awesome film, some suspension of disbelief needed but went with the flow in the end and will probably go back for a second viewing or at the least, buy the dvd.

Toy Story 3 in 3D, last night, another awesome film, felt like a good way to bring the series to an end, and the realD 3d worked pretty well (as in added depth, didn't distract). Circular polarisation for the win ;)
Weekend and Baise-Moi last night.

Weekend was just plain odd but I quite enjoyed it.

Baise-moi wasn't great really - just felt like it was trying to shock for the sake of it
Last night
Menace 2 Society - 7/10 I enjoyed it, but doesn't beat my fav. in the genre, Boyz n the hood

Night before
Inception - 9/10 Absolutely loved it, prompted hours of discussion between me and my friends after.
I watched Wall.E with my 4 year old girl today. She enjoyed it, but she was very worried when the big plant analysing machine squashed him near the end. Funny how we lose that tension because we know the hero can't die.

Anyway, great film.

5/10. OK, nothing special.


6/10. Nowhere near as funny as I was expecting given it's Pixar.


4/10. Excellent videogame butchered to make crap movie. Olga Kurylenko is its only redeeming feature.


7/10. Good fun. You know what you're getting with Hanks and Di Caprio.


7/10. Very funny but you've got to be in the right mood to appreciate it.
Had to see Kick Ass after everyone keeps telling me to watch it. Turned it off half way through so it gets a measly 3/10

What the hell is so funny about an American prat running about in a wet suit :confused:
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