What film did you watch last night?

Watched Dark Floors , a film by and starring Lordi , that Finnish metal band which won eurovision a couple of years ago with all those weird costumes.

Was an ok film, sfx were decent , atmosphere and setting were decent. Other than that though I didn't really understand what was going on or more importantly why it was going on and the ending didn't explain anything at all so I ended up just kind of not knowing why anything had happened for the last 90 mins.
Had to see Kick Ass after everyone keeps telling me to watch it. Turned it off half way through so it gets a measly 3/10

What the hell is so funny about an American prat running about in a wet suit :confused:

Did you really turn it off halfway? Missed the best the film had to offer?
I found the hitgirl scenes absolutely hilarious, laugh out loud funny.
Some very well delivered lines and totally absurd in parts.
Really enjoyed that film.
Just finished 'The Men Who Stare At Goats'. Been wanting to see it for ages, just never got round to it. Waste of 90 minutes of my life. Pretty boring, not very funny and didn't seem to have much of a point.
I love George Clooney and he was alright in the film but no where near as good as I thought it would be.
Sex Drive - Really funny actually although at the same time kind of stupid but I knew what to expect before I watched it.
Alice In Wonderland. Enjoyable but not Burton's best. 7/10

(500) Days Of Summer. For a "comedy" it was quite depressing. So true how women treat men ;-) 7/10

The Crazies. Certainly not horror but a pretty good effort. 7/10

A Perfect Getaway. Not too bad though the twist was a little obvious considering the red herrings they kept throwing in. 6/10
Watched Blood diamond and was pleasantly surprised, I half expected it to be really crap for some reason but it turned out to be really good (although quite long).
I also thought Dicaprio did a decent job of the south african accent.
Toy Story 3

Just came back from watching it in 3D at the pictures and while I'm usually an arse about films and very critical, I absolutely loved it. Everything a final film in the trilogy should've been and formula still managed to seem fresh and entertaining.

I genuinely loved 500 Days of Summer, thought it was so different to normal rom-com rubbish, honest and touching.

Inside Man (7/10)

Good entertaining film with Denzel Washington and Clive Owen, nice ending too I though. Worth a watch :)
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