What film did you watch last night?

End of Watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1855199/

Something kept me watching it all the way through - even though I didn't like the main characters much. Great actors, though.

And as for the language used: bro, homie, and such like... yuck. :D More and more films require me to rely on subtitles. :o

Solid film, well worth seeing once. :)

In my top 10/20 movies of all time, can't really say why, just kinda ticks all the right boxes for me but it did come out before Michael Pena was an insufferable annoying type cast actor a la Ant man.

Probably watched it 4 or 5 times, reminded me quite a bit of the cop show Southland in style which I think I was watching through at the same time.

Southland isn't as well known as the likes of The Wire or The Shield but easily as good as them at times.
The Old Guard (2020) - 7/10

A stylish and intelligently written action thriller with good action scenes, great acting and good use of music.

The plot takes a different view on the premise, but actually plays out in a rather formulaic way and loses its edge a bit in the second half.

The main villain is boring and I didn’t like the “sequel bait” ending, but I enjoyed it otherwise.
Guns Akimbo https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6902676/

8 / 10 this was my sort of film and i have to really hand it to Daniel Radcliffe he was good in this.

I found this film loads of fun, I do have a thing for Samara Weaving though, even if she was Harley Quinn Lite in this.

Reminded me quite a bit of Crank and Hardcore Henry, both bat**** crazy fun movies.

Radcliffe has done well to shake off the Potter image in recent years, becoming a fairly good actor.
Avengers: Endgame

Just Spidey 'Far From Home' to watch and I'll have watched the MCU films in chronological order, Endgame was a pretty epic culmination of them so far.

I've seen it before but it's a hell of a difference watching these when you've been following the story closely and you're picking up on the small nuances and all.

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End of Watch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1855199/

Something kept me watching it all the way through - even though I didn't like the main characters much. Great actors, though.

And as for the language used: bro, homie, and such like... yuck. :D More and more films require me to rely on subtitles. :o

Solid film, well worth seeing once. :)

Check out Harsh Times too, by same director David Ayer, love his stuff.
Avengers: Endgame

Just Spidey Homecoming to watch and I'll have watched the MCU films in chronological order, Endgame was a pretty epic culmination of them so far.

I've seen it before but it's a hell of a difference watching these when you've been following the story closely and you're picking up on the small nuances and all.

Far from Home is the last film to watch.

I’ve also watched them all on Disney+ in order.
Never seen Training Day so will have to get round to watching that

Training Day might not have the same impact nowadays but at the time, it was Denzel's first time playing a 'villain'...since then he's done a lot more action roles. At the time though it was such a shock to see good boy Denzel do a bad guy role.
Street Kings is also worthwhile, in the same vein.

Also go for the daddy of them all, Training Day...while not directed by Ayer, it was written by him and you can see the same DNA in his later LA cop/villain movies.

Thanks, that's some more to check out. :)

I enjoyed Harsh Times, will add a few notes about it later.
Training Day is a great film, though I am a huge Denzel fan.

When it first came out the trailer for it had the scene where he says "King Kong ain't got nothin' on me" but in the film it's "King Kong ain't got **** (defecation) on me" and as much as swearing doesn't bother me, I preferred the line as it was in the trailer.
Sputnik -7/10

Russian, indie, sci-fi horror.

Not particularly original but well acted, well made considering the low budget and well worth a watch if you like the genre.
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