Is that the new Irish film which is about 3 hours long supposed be really good but 3 hours is long for a film imoKill the Irish man. Didn't even know anything about the film. True story about a Irish man kinda taking on the mob. Done on a budget, but done well apart from some sfx explosions showing cgi, though made years ago.
Is that the new Irish film which is about 3 hours long supposed be really good but 3 hours is long for a film imo
I'm not sure if I started watching it too late but after a while I gave up on it. I can't say I felt much for the main character.
Shame, as it was Jackman being in it that made me want to watch the flick in the first place.
I thought Logan was massively over rated, swearing and violence can't make up for a **** poor story. Shame as I generally enjoy Jackman in the role of Wolverine in the other x-movies.
Really enjoyed it but saw the ending coming a mile off.
Recommend it though.
Danger Close on Netflix.
A story about the Ausies in Vietnam. Good enough film and the time past quickly enough, it always nice to see stories from other that were in the war. One of my issues was that the characters were a bit under cooked and a bit unlikeable. 6/10
Also I wish films would stop using CGI gunfire, it just doesn't look right to me
I thought it wasn't such a bad way to spend 2 hours.