What film did you watch last night?

Operation Odessa (Netflix)

A true crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. A gangster epic that hopscotches from Brooklyn to Miami and Cali to Moscow, the documentary tells the story of three friends who set out to hustle the Russian mob, the Cali cartel, and the DEA for the score of a lifetime.

Really interesting actually...nice insight into the underworld plus hearing it from those involved on both sides. 7/10.
Wild. Thb, me & misses were trying to figure out why every male was perceived as either a being potentially a sex pest or downright rapey. I get it, she's a young, vulnerable woman in the wilderness but jeez were not all rapist.
Agreed, though the story is told from her perspective and it reflects the life she had experienced up until that point, so I'll give it some leeway in ignoring some of her more mundane interactions she must have had along the way.
I enjoyed Wild, nice bit of escapism, was hoping for something more like Into the Wild which was excellent.

Stumbled across Into The Wild at a beach restaurant in Vietnam. We finished our meal, were having a few more drinks and suddenly they put out bean bags and put up a screen and started the movie. Slouched on the bean bags for a few hours watching the film with cocktails being brought over, was lovely.
Netflix: American Murder documentary was garbage. Hated all the social media stuff & at times felt voyeuristic when they put all her personal text messages to her friend on screen. I found this channel a lot more engaging on the same subject

I thought it was pretty good. The social media stuff/ family videos gave an insight into their relationship.

Think the prosecutor at the end said it best. If you want a new life with a new girl, get a divorce. Cant fathom what came over him.
Read that he was actually planning it for a few weeks. Also had tried to kill the kids prior to the wife but failed.
You put it next to Snatch or Lock Stock and it's night and day though. They were almost realistic, slightly gritty portrayals of a rather real London with some great dark comedy in. The Gentlemen was like Guy Ritchie climbed down from his mansion in the Hollywood hills for 6 weeks to knock together something he thought the Americans would like. It was entertaining enough, but not a spot on his previous.

Lock Stock and Snatch were not realistic. Lol. Pig farmer that feeds dead bodies to pigs and Boris the blade. I would say the only one that seemed a little realistic of his was Rock N Rolla.

My gaming alias has pretty much been Bricktop since that film was released however. He was awesome.
Zombieland: Double Tap - good fun sequel, can't belive it was ten years between the two!

Read that Michael Cera turned down a part which is a shame as he would have been perfect, but understandable as Jesse Eisenberg seemed to take every role that would have suited him for a good few years.

Anyway 4/5
Time Trial (iPlayer) - 6/10

A documentary about David Millar, the cyclist. A little odd as clearly they're trying to be 'arty'. There's no narrator for example so I don't feel like I learnt much about David Millar himself and there are sometimes quite long shots of... odd things. I liked how 'real' it did make it feel though.
Bloodshot - 5/10

An interesting, yet somewhat predictable story which just got sillier the more it went on. Way too much slow-mo to the point that it felt like the film itself was an hour long and the other 45 minutes were just slow-mo
Scanners - 6/10

Very weird and retro, the ending being a bit grim. Also very camp and lolworthy in places.

Star Trek (JJ bleddy Abrams) - pass the bucket/10

I'd watched the first half of this years ago and switched it off. Decided as it was on to challenge myself to watching the 2nd half. A challenge it was.

I hate all the stupid inconsistencies JJ's films have. Like a major plot point being that you can go through a black hole perfectly safely and it basically just transports you to a different place in space/time.

Except in the finale, when a black hole is created in the same way, only now you can't go through it because it rips all matter apart that gets close to it.

WHICH IS IT YOU SILLY FILM? Why can your space ships enter a black hole in the middle of the film and then the same space ships get ripped apart by the same black hole in the ending? How does this even get past anybody giving the script the most cursory of once-overs?
Bloodshot - 5/10

An interesting, yet somewhat predictable story which just got sillier the more it went on. Way too much slow-mo to the point that it felt like the film itself was an hour long and the other 45 minutes were just slow-mo

Did you notice how the mid-movie chase starts just outside London then ends up in some non-descript city which absolutely isn't anywhere in England and the cars suddenly have what look like mainland europe number plates :D
Did you notice how the mid-movie chase starts just outside London then ends up in some non-descript city which absolutely isn't anywhere in England and the cars suddenly have what look like mainland europe number plates :D

haha!! Yes! I even had to pause it to google where they actually filmed, which was Cape Town. Laziest recreation of London ever
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