1917. Would give it a 9/10 but had the luxury of watching it on my 150" projection screen with surround sound. The whole film looks incredible from start to finish and it hits all the right notes in terms of capturing the horrors of war but with some genuinely touching character moments.
1917 Review SNIP
Apart from the ridiculous sniper shot, there is little in SPR that requires any suspension of disbelief. The movie flows, follows logically, they don't just stumble upon Ryan, they're asking questions all the way along with whoever they find.
However, I haven't watched it for some years and on a re-watch there may be some more eyeroll moments.
1917 just felt like a jolly stroll through the trenches with luck on his shoulder, technically great, logically less so.
Nailed it quite frankly. The whole one shot thing was a great technical achievement, but it ruined the rest of the film. As you mentioned, everything just rolled together too easily and too quickly and was quite jarring as a viewer.
Say what you will about Saving Private Ryan, but at least I had an emotional connection to the characters.
Saint Maude - 7/10
Billed as a psychological horror, this art house film explores the descent into a psychotic breakdown with quite visceral sound and camera work. Lots of close up shots gave a claustrophobic and intense experience.
Definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea, as it's slow and little happens for a good portion of the film, but we both enjoyed it.
Where did you watch it from?
Not even going to bother watching it. The trailer was enough. I see he's gone back to playing characters with speech impediments.Hubie Halloween.
Not much to say is there really...even by Adam Sandlers already poor standards this was poor. 1/10