Tonight I'll be watching Sunshine.
Currently an hour into Once Upon a Time in America. Not impressed by it at all so far; doesn't compare to The Godfather at all (yet).
Now watching 2001: A Space Odyssey and hoping it gets better, it's been on 40 minutes and sod all has happened.
Unfortunately it sounds like you've been ruined by current 'instant gratification' Hollywood films. The pace stays the same throughout 2001, and it's damn near the best film I've ever watched in my life, you just have to adjust your mindset a bit in order to enjoy it.
You'd be quite surprised with the films I've watched and liked, this just seems to drag on a bit. Only another hour to go so will see how it goes.
To be honest the very fact your posting on this forum while watching it is testament to the fact you're not watching it properly, i.e. pitch black room, sound all the way up, stuck to your chair the whole way through.