What film did you watch last night?

Shin Godzilla

About 80% of this movie seemed to be a lot of people in large rooms sitting around tables flapping their gums. Godzilla itself was comical looking as were the effects for the most part. Japan still seems to have a raging stiffy for the rubber suit style.
I Tonya. 9/10

Margot Robbie, what an amazing actress.
Great movie, and no shortage of the c word. I knew nothing about Tonya Harding before.
I, Tonya is a good movie. Aside from the obvious reasons, Margot Robbie is one of my favourite actors.

Yeah, I think I've only ever seen her in Z for Zachariah but was surprised to see her playing a character like Tonya Harding. She's brilliant.

Talking of brilliant, just watched

Sexy Beast. 9/10. When I saw Ben Kingsley playing a cockney gangster I wondered why they cast him but he was incredible, so intense.
The Mauritanian, on Netflix. Hadn't really come across this until my brother in law recommended it. Good watch and enjoyed it. Tahar Rahim (A Prophet, 2011) was excellent. 8/10
I was going to watch 'love and monsters' but we watch 'Jiu Jitsu'

What a mistake, I give it a 0/10, lower if possible. No story, bad camera work on fight scenes, just no idea why they made it.

Nic Cage needed something to do :D

Im all for cringey movies but OHMYGOD, this is just aweful!!
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - 10/10

Great film, responsible for some stuff that I still quote when situationally-appropriate ("Lllllike a glove!", "if I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer!" :D).
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - 10/10

Great film, responsible for some stuff that I still quote when situationally-appropriate ("Lllllike a glove!", "if I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer!" :D).

Same here, love it, watched countless times and the amount of lines I can quote from it is disturbing. 2nd isn't all that bad either tbf.

I'd like to 'ass' you a few questions :D
Started to watch the Lady Gaga film "A star is born" - didn't do any reading up prior and thought first of all it was the story of her musical career, but since learned it is a remake of quite an old film (the storyline made me think this too once we were well into it).

Need to finish it off but quite enjoying TBH.
Anti-Life (known in the US as Breach)


Shockingly bad. Really, horribly bad. Unthinkable. Takes the Crown from Mulan (remake) for being the worst film I’ve seen in recent memory. I don’t dislike it as much as Mulan (I dislike that so much because it COULD have been so easily good) but this is objectively worse.

Nobody has charisma. The editing is all over the place. Some effects / shots were clearly cut for budget. It’s even feels a nonsense - the spaceship crew are just a bunch of utter knuckleheads.... clearly in another dimension from Gattaca.

Really horrid and sadly not even in the so bad it’s good category. Strong suggestion to avoid.

3/10 - a couple of points for the laughs it inadvertently generated.

Incidentally, it has 3/10 on IMDB.
Anti-Life (known in the US as Breach)


Shockingly bad. Really, horribly bad. Unthinkable. Takes the Crown from Mulan (remake) for being the worst film I’ve seen in recent memory. I don’t dislike it as much as Mulan (I dislike that so much because it COULD have been so easily good) but this is objectively worse.

Nobody has charisma. The editing is all over the place. Some effects / shots were clearly cut for budget. It’s even feels a nonsense - the spaceship crew are just a bunch of utter knuckleheads.... clearly in another dimension from Gattaca.

Really horrid and sadly not even in the so bad it’s good category. Strong suggestion to avoid.

3/10 - a couple of points for the laughs it inadvertently generated.

Incidentally, it has 3/10 on IMDB.
What's with Willis doing these tiny budget sci-fi movies lately? There's another I saw was happening where WWE's Lana is one of the co-star, and they seem to have used modified Master Chief outfits as costumes.

Cosmic Sin, it's called :
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Anti-Life (known in the US as Breach)


Shockingly bad. Really, horribly bad. Unthinkable. Takes the Crown from Mulan (remake) for being the worst film I’ve seen in recent memory. I don’t dislike it as much as Mulan (I dislike that so much because it COULD have been so easily good) but this is objectively worse.

Nobody has charisma. The editing is all over the place. Some effects / shots were clearly cut for budget. It’s even feels a nonsense - the spaceship crew are just a bunch of utter knuckleheads.... clearly in another dimension from Gattaca.

Really horrid and sadly not even in the so bad it’s good category. Strong suggestion to avoid.

3/10 - a couple of points for the laughs it inadvertently generated.

Incidentally, it has 3/10 on IMDB.

It’s terrible, what’s Brucie boy playing at.
^ Even the font used in the trailer looks budget.

Finished Dead or Alive yesterday - boy what an experience. Highlight has to be one of the fighters cocking his buff arms accompanied by a gun cocking sound effect. Truly terrible but somewhat
Land Of Mine. 9/10

Clever double meaning movie title. Very intense film about German POWs made to defuse and clear away thousands of buried mines in Denmark. Expired now on iPlayer but a must see when it comes round again.
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