What film did you watch last night?

I was going to watch 'love and monsters' but we watch 'Jiu Jitsu'

What a mistake, I give it a 0/10, lower if possible. No story, bad camera work on fight scenes, just no idea why they made it.
The Tag-Along 2. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6295898/

I saw this mentioned a few pages back.

I've enjoyed the eastern horror movies of late so although I didn't watch much of it last night, I will definitely carry on with it this evening as it looks to be rather good so far.

When I resume watching a film that I started the night before, then I'm usually on to something pretty good.
The Marksman - 3/10 - It almost feels like Liam Neeson is dropping to Segal levels with this film, it's that bad. It's a basic rehash of a story told a million time and almost everyone of those was better than this. Neeson looks knackered (not the character but the actor), the plot is worn out, the film is low energy anyway which doesn't help and none of the characters in the "character driven" film make you care about them, it's just a bit poor allround.
The Tag-Along 2. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6295898/

I saw this mentioned a few pages back.

I've enjoyed the eastern horror movies of late so although I didn't watch much of it last night, I will definitely carry on with it this evening as it looks to be rather good so far.

When I resume watching a film that I started the night before, then I'm usually on to something pretty good.

What was that on? I enjoyed Tag Along 1 and having been looking to watch the 2nd one as it continues the story with some of the characters from the first film.
Six Minutes to Midnight - 4/10

Interesting story, but very oddly executed. It started out fairly well, but then it seemed like the director couldn't work out whether it wanted to be a camp carry on type yarn or a serious historical drama. Some of the chase scenes with Izard's character were just bizarre.

The whole thing just felt weird in places, and sadly i think with some different direction and a more serious tone, it could have been pretty good.
Love and Monster

A hero's journey set against a wonderfully nonsensical post-apocalyptic world with delightfully creative insects, toads, crabs, etc. as scaled up monsters. Drags a bit in the middle, but there's enough fun in there to make it enjoyable.

Fun enough 7/10.
I also watched Love and Monsters and would agree that it was a fun little film that didn't seem to aim too high and met it's mark just right. 3/5
All the recent talk of Love & Monsters, I rewatched with my missus lately and to save time, i'll quote my own review from October last year.

Love & Monsters - 7.5/10...love in he title is very misleading

It's a bit of a zombieland meets giant insects mash up. Asteroid comes toward earth, we send up all the rockets, destroy it, all chemicals come back down and mutate all cold blooded creatures into giant killers.

Jump 7 years to the future, an introvert decides to trek across dangerous land to get to his girlfriend from years ago in another bunker.

Lots of fun, very decent SFX...actually like it much more than Zombieland as it didn't have the hugely annoying Eisenberg.
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