What film did you watch last night?

Watched Evolution again last night, not seen it for a good decade. I still think it's an underrated film, CGI holds up surprisingly well and it has a great cast and some good humour.
Smokey and the Bandit (1977) - 9 / 10

A goofy classic with non-stop action and a great soundtrack.

Reynolds is charming and genuinely funny as the lead in this simple and straightforward plot of rebels being rebellious just for the sake of it.

With a great support cast and plenty of American culture, it’s fun, fast paced and has great set pieces which get more over the top as the film progresses.
I watched this with my son, 11, a week or two ago. I wasn't sure if he'd be into it - older movies are a different pace to what he's used to, particularly the first act (much less slow place-setting in modern movies). But he thought it was great - lots of laughter throughout all the chase and crash scenes. It's a shame the sequel isn't also on Netflix.
@SixTwoSix Florence Pugh is indeed yummy. :D

I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of Ari Aster's work in the future.

Same here, for all my grumbles about Hereditary it does have strong atmosphere and a sense of foreboding.

Same as Midsommar really, you almost want to shout at the screen at them to leave.

Did you know the entire narrative of the movie is shown in the first minute btw?

I've watched a number of 'things you missed' videos about both films and I really liked the one above.
@SixTwoSix Cheers, I'll have to seek out some videos on the subject.

I saw one last night entitled 'How Midsommar Brainwashes You' which was on the channel Acolytes of Horror.

And no, I wasn't aware of what you wrote in the spoiler. I'll have to check out that bit again. :)
It’s funny you say that @SixTwoSix as my main grumble with Midsommar was as follows:

Too familiar! I felt like I knew what was going to happen.

Obviously this is mostly because of the heavy overlap with The Wicker Man.... but your comment about the 1 min narrative is interesting.

I’m firmly in the camp of Hereditary being the superior flick. I think it may well come down to:

... how receptive you are to ghost stories. People on release seemed a bit miffed that it really was a ghost story and illness rather than a tale of merely mental illness.

I tend to rank films very highly if I cannot tell where they are going, as that keeps my attention engaged and excited. I didn’t have a clue where Hereditary was going... it was left turn after left turn after left turn.... with heavy shifts in focus.

Dead parent.
Recap of mental issues.
Question as to whether daughter is ill or being haunted.
Shocking death of daughter (foreshadowed but... damn!!!)
Grief and family trauma
Contacting the dead
Really kicks off
Jarring gruesome climax
Wacky final wtf moments

It was complete shock and awe. Have seen it many times now and my only gripe is the one scene where they are debating burning the book... for some reason that scene just drags and feels a little cringe.
I should probably give Hereditary another chance, could have been simply down to a poor mood on the day, on paper it's exactly my kind of movie.
It’s probably a hype thing too.

My introduction was a text from a mate:

“Alright mate - you absolutely have to see Hereditary at the cinema - horrendous!”

That was all I had, didn’t know anything about it. Now people like me are hyping it all over the place.

Also it’s entirely personal preference. There were 3 people in the cinema when I watched it, one other being my wife. When it finished, I was just sort of sat in my seat, shocked and bemused at the head**** I had just watched and seriously contemplating whether it was actually the best horror film I had ever seen (!).... and the silence was broken by the other person standing up and declaring to us that it was the WORST movie she had ever seen!! :eek:
Working our way through the Alien series, now reached the difficult Alien 3 (could never hope to better Aliens tbh) tough watch......

How they killed off Newt and Hicks was a joke, the rest of the film is dire too. It doesn't exist to me, the first two are the only ones that matter. I did however quite like Prometheus and Covenant.
Aliens (special edition) is most definitely my favourite by a long way. As mentioned my others, I hated the way they killed off Hicks & Newt for Alien 3. It's a watchable film and I've seen it a few times, though never seen the special edition. As for Prometheus & Covenant .. the less said the better from me :)
Yup, Alien 3 is just an awkwardly unexciting film.

TBF, when David Fincher was asked why Alien 3 has so many problems, he basically said when you're new in Hollywood, you do what the studio tells you or you get sacked and sued. It's just the usual story of studio interference screwing things up.

The Assembly Cut that tries to follow Fincher's workprint and extra scenes is supposed to be a much better film.
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Aliens (special edition) is most definitely my favourite by a long way. As mentioned my others, I hated the way they killed off Hicks & Newt for Alien 3. It's a watchable film and I've seen it a few times, though never seen the special edition. As for Prometheus & Covenant .. the less said the better from me :)
I’m not sure whether Alien or Aliens is better. I find that Alien is sublime until the ‘adult alien’
appears. From that point, it then becomes.... gosh, I’m going to say it.... a little dull *hides*

It’s the set-up in that film that is particularly amazing but I then lose interest at the end, every time.

Aliens is a bit more consistent in its delivery.

Both good films, but different styles yet in the same universe. Not many of those.... I guess Terminator 1+2 is the closest I can think of but those are more similar to each other.
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