Thanks really enjoyed this film really well acted especially Keaton & Norton. I liked the drum soundtrackBirdman - great performances from Keaton and Norton. Often funny and then quite moving in the later sections. I would give top marks but I did feel at points that the way film poked fun at actors was a little ‘smug’ at times. This wasn’t helped by the hyper annoying drumming that formed a large part of the soundtrack, which also came across as ‘smug’. I did nevertheless feel myself relating to Keaton a bit and I was quite moved, as I said. Worth a watch.
Watching the first 3 Indiana Jones films. Why oh why can’t they make films like these anymore. Just absolutely brilliant films and today’s rubbish make me enjoy them even more.
Watching the first 3 Indiana Jones films. Why oh why can’t they make films like these anymore. Just absolutely brilliant films and today’s rubbish make me enjoy them even more.
That's a shame.Doctor Sleep
Utter and complete garbage. 1/10.
That's a shame.
I wasn't impressed with the book at all but doesn't sound like the film is much better?
I was hoping the film might take some of the better bits of the book but most people seem disappointed by it.
Doctor Sleep - 8/10...possibly a higher score if not for some iffy cgi in parts.
This is a weird one for me, a sequel I wasnt really bothered about. I'm so glad it got made though, struggle to say anything bad about it.
I'm not a massive The Shining fan although I do quite like it and this ties everything together well.
3 hours long and I wasn't bored for a moment.
Rebecca Ferguson is lovely.