What film did you watch last night?

Shang-Chi - oh Lord what a pile of dung. 2/10 at a push.
I watched it Thursday night and i literally cannot remember anything even slightly interesting to say about the film.
Last Night in Soho 8.9/10

Damn i really liked this.... Its fairly slow burn and straight forward with some "weirdness." but when it comes to the final act
lol.... o!k! lets go! dialing up the bonkers and creepiness.
Is it predictable? Maybe, but i didn't "get it"

Deffo has a cool factor for me being a Londoner, that might have helped a ton....

Dr who was fairly good in it too..

Very good movie & really enjoyed it. The 60's soundtrack throughout really worked well to set the scene to this horror mystery thriller.
Last Night in Soho - An interesting concept but felt it lost it towards the end like it didn't really know what genre it was aiming for nor how to see the initial idea through to the end, overall a good watch though. A welcome change to the usual cookie cutter films getting churned out of late.
Boss Level. 8/10

Groundhog Day/Edge of tomorrow combined with GTA and Gun FU stupidity.
I did laugh a bit but it wrenches you out of the action a couple of times which really hurt the pacing of the film.
Nothing original that's for sure, but its a fine one time watch.
Actually very violent in parts, juxtaposed with very comical bits. Kinda disturbing, in a good way.
It felt like a vehicle for Ryan Reynolds but he was busy shooting something else... :P
Red Notice - 3/10 Best part about this film was Ryan Reynolds asking Dwayne Johnson why he was wearing a hair net.

Gal Gadot managed to keep some selfworth as her performance wasn't bad but the Reynolds/Johnson acting was horrible, and that scene where they are in the arena with the bull, looked horrendous. It didn't even look like they tried to place them in there with anything else but Photoshop.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Just got back from watching this with the kids. Much, much better than I was expecting. Decent performances, decent action, a few laughs and plenty of jumps, which get my youngest daughter every time! Some sentimental moments too, which always seem to hit me in the feels these days, must be my old age.

We all thoroughly enjoyed it! 8/10
Last night in Soho 5.7/10
Was expecting a lot more from this. Film just didn't know what it wanted to be. All the white males were evil rapists of course :rolleyes: I guess it looked ok and it kept us watching. Meh.

It’s a shame Lazenby didn’t do any more Bond films, it actually wasn’t that bad and I do think he might have settled into the role.

Whenever I see Diana Rigg from that era, I’m reminded how completely and utterly gorgeous she was.
Red Notice off of Netflix.

Ryan Reynolds plays the standard fairly amusing Ryan Reynolds
Dwayne Johnson plays the standard fairly amusing Dwayne Johnson
Gal Gadot plays the standard hot but generally awful Gal Gadot

By the numbers plot thats vaguely entertaining at times but pretty poor on the whole.

I thought Red Notice was ok; nothing special but the leads were all charismatic enough to carry it.
The car chase through the mine felt like it was aiming for an homage to Temple of Doom but instead came across more like a sequence from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
Last Days On Mars - 5/10

In the same mould as Prometheus, where supposedly highly trained astronauts tantrum and berserk and generally make the dumbest possible choices, to get the plot rolling.

For reference, should you ever encounter an alien bacteria, the first thing to do is rub your face in it and try to ingest some of the stuff. Would could go wrong... And bam, zombies. Space zombies.

Unlike Prometheus tho, it had at least one likeable character, so it gets a better score. Slightly.

Saturn 3 - 7/10

Terrified me when I first watched this as a child.

The version just shown on Horror channel, ironically enough, was cut to shreds, and had most of the worst scenes removed! Wimps!

One the most iconic scenes was
the robot wearing its former programmer's head,
and that one lives long in the memory.

Try to find the uncut version, it's a lot better.
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Red Notice - 6/10 - it's all been said really, the leads are just playing their typical selves but it works. I like Reynolds anyway and this just gave more of the humour i've come to expect. There is nothing exceptional about the movie but it was a nice inoffensive humorous way to spend a few hours.

Probably in a minority but I had a genuine chuckle as he was whistling the Indiana Jones theme.
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