What film did you watch last night?

Morbius (2022) - 3/10

A flat film with a dull plot which barely explored the idea of wrestling the beast within and did the bare minimum of explaining the characters and the plot.

It’s very visually stylish during the action scenes, but there’s so many effects it obscures the action and the still/slow motion scenes add little to it.

The characters are weak, the plot is cliché and has holes, the editing is choppy, there’s an unfunny cop duo who I presume were supposed to be some sort of comic relief, and an anticlimactic ending.

Add in 2 pointless post credit scenes and you have a poor movie through and through.
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Blacklight - 2/10

Felt so low budget throughout, Neeson is just too old for this kind of role now and it made the action very cringey. The ending was just…so bad it was funny. I genuinely couldn’t believe it, it was like they wrapped up the film then realised they didn’t finish the script

Looper - 3/10

I dunno why, but I found this movie a real grind to watch, maybe the way it is directed or what, I dunno....also movies with time travel.....yet to see one where they dont just use it as an excuse to make easy plot twists.

I couldn't get into this one either.
Morbius (2022) 5/10

Not great by any stretch of the imagination, but not completely awful either.

The action scenes were 'so so' and the story predictable.

The mid-credit scenes were completely random and didn't seem to fit in with any narrative that I understood......or maybe I am just thick.
King Richard. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9620288/

I quite like Will Smith and since I have a reasonable interest in tennis, I was fairly keen to check this out.

It didn't disappoint, was well worth seeing and passed the time away very nicely.
Thanks enjoyed this one too :) (watched with Mum as she loves tennis) the Williams sisters growing up in Compton etc made for an interesting story....must admit going by the film title had complete overlooked as a period drama!
Thanks enjoyed this one too :) (watched with Mum as she loves tennis) the Williams sisters growing up in Compton etc made for an interesting story....must admit going by the film title had complete overlooked as a period drama!

Yeah, was a good'n. I love a bit of tennis, too. Call it fate, or a mixture of everything, destiny, genetics and hard work, it certainly paid off! :)
The Harder They Fall (Netflix) - 7/10

I do tend to like Westerns and this was generally quite a fun watch, without being too silly.
Morbius - 3/10, pretty dire TBH. The movie is all over the place and since it has been delayed many times would've thought it had been audience screened more and re-jigged before releasing this turkey.
On Friday we went to see The Batman - 8/10 liked the characters, grim, bleak and the three hour movie worked on many levels

Last night we went to see "Morbius" 2/10 - one of those points was for the seating in the cinema, we had a 4DX type seat. At least it kept me awake, altho not sure if that was good.
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