The prestige 8.5/10
As such a serious lack of decent films around at the moment, watched this for about the fifth time. Just a great film, probably Christopher Nolan's best.
So much better that the incomprehensible guff that is Tenet.
Fresh... (Disney +)
I found it very disturbing, Don't look up anything it about it, just watch it. I cant even give it a rating just to how uncomfortable it made me feel.
Sonic 2 12/10
Loved it
Saw Prestige at the cinema on release. It's good, but I also really enjoyed 'The Illusionist' that came out at a similar time. A little more muted and less flash than The Prestige, but still decent, with Ed Norton, Paul Giamatti, and Jessica Biel.
Thanks chaps, hadn't heard of either but gave Prestige a watch the other night and really enjoyed it. Illusionist next on the list.Yes indeed, the illusionist is also an excellent film. Maybe not quite as clever or grand as the prestige, but highly worthwhile all the same. I'd rate that as a 7.5
PG just means some scenes may need parental guidance, but I don't think there is anything really that a 4 year old would have trouble with.4 year old is driving me crazy to go watch it but not sure with it being pg n all. Loves the sonic x cartoon