What film did you watch last night?

Couldn't disagree more, want to see truly awful effects watch X-Men Origins Wolverine or the scene with the Lion (I think) in I Am Legend.

Never seen I am Legend so can't comment on that one but there is a huge difference between 2012 and Wolverine. One is supposed to be set in this world and meant to be plausible the other is a film adapted from a comic book.

So I still maintain 2012 effects are truly dreadful for what is supposed to be based in this world in something which people believe can happen (not me but some really do) whereas Wolverine is a typical film based on comic books.
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Bear - 3/10
This has to be the least scary 'horror' movie ever made. The only thing good about this one was that it lasts less than 80 minutes :p
Brooklyn's Finest - well this didn't seem that different from other "cop" dramas out there and doesn't really have any message to convey but works well as entertainment piece and does nothing wrong at the end of the day so 7/10.
Never seen I am Legend so can't comment on that one but there is a huge difference between 2012 and Wolverine. One is supposed to be set in this world and meant to be plausible the other is a film adapted from a comic book.

Just because it's from a comic book doesn't mean it shouldn't have good effects... I mean, comic book artists can draw, you know?

Honestly, the effects for his claws when he looks at them in the bathroom of that farmhouse are truly hideous. Absolutely embarrassingly terrible.
Just because it's from a comic book doesn't mean it shouldn't have good effects... I mean, comic book artists can draw, you know?

Honestly, the effects for his claws when he looks at them in the bathroom of that farmhouse are truly hideous. Absolutely embarrassingly terrible.

Each to their own but I truly feel the effects in 2012 are awful and one of the worst set of effects seen in that type of movie.

Blade was on saturday night. 7/10

the intro and opening are still awesome. When it first came out this film kicked vampire butt back into the mainstream. spawning follow ons that could only hope to dissapoint, which they did to a lesser extent.
The Elephant Man - Very good film about John (Joseph) Merrick, the horribly deformed bloke known as the Elephant Man. Very moving in places, you can tell that it is David Lynch directing. A good documentary on the disk too with the curator of the London hospital museum where he pointed out the innaccuracies of the film. 4/5
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