What film did you watch last night?


MacGruber - 5/10 just a bit of a laugh that's about it
Wild Target - 8/10 quite liked this, few laughs in it
Letters to Juliet (lol) - 5/10 was sod all else
Iron Man 2 - 7/10 quite funny, decent action...overall fine :)
Watched the last 7 last night...rubbish british movie tbh...didnt make a whole lot of sense...not something i would subject myself again to.

Also managed to watch the Experiment as well last night...has Adrien Brody in it along with Forrest Whittaker...quite enjoyable albeit disturbing
Galaxy Quest - 8/10

The best Star Trek movie made at the time :)

Full of laughs if you know your sci-fi/star trek cliches.

'Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!'
Weekend films:

Clash of the Titans - not bad, some good effects, can't remember the original that much, but it was ok, 6/10

Iron Man 2 - Loved the first one, this one was as good I reckon, 8/10

The Final Destination - Hopeless, predictable and not a par on the first few, 2/10
i feel ashamed to say this... cats and dogs 4.5/10

my excuse is i didnt have anything light hearted and easy to watch on the sky+ box and couldnt be bothered to get a dvd..
Just got back from scot pilgrim.

No connection what so ever, tbh feel like i was sold a lie, about every film podcast i listen to had jusified the film in one way or another.

I kinda got the feeling the film appeals to people that turn their ps3's and 360's on 7 days a week, me and the once a week brigade need not apply.

I can't even rate the film, don't live in the time the films aimed at, and when i was 15-20 years younger... those wern't the times.

Strange night at the cinema:/
La Haine* - Thought this was an immense bit of film making. Really enjoyed it.

Mesrine* - Both of them. Really top notch films, enjoyed and made that bit better thanks to a very strong performance from Vincent Cassel, who's immense in most things I see him in.

Il divo** - Fantastic. Brilliant. Top notch acting, sound and just oozed class. Couple of real W T F! moments though :p

Kick Ass - Awesome :cool: Really enjoyed this, Just as good as when I saw it at the cinema. Some great characters :D

Four Lions - Awesome, brilliant comedy! Oddly moving towards the end, I really like some of the characters. "Rubber dingy rapids bro". (Would like to just add that this and Kick Ass made me really laugh out loud, something that's really rare :p)

Solomon Kane - Nothing outstanding, but far from being poor. Somewhere in the middle, looked very good, I've always enjoyed the story though.

Also, had a bit of a Mafia thing going on after seeing Mesrine and Il Divo.

Godfather / Godfather: Part II - Out ****ing standing. Enjoy watching these every so often, just absolutely amazing.

Once Upon a Time in America - While I don't think it's "as" good as the Godfather / Godfather: Part II, it's not far away and is a fantastic, brilliant story told very well.

* - French
** - Italian
Finally got round to watching Expendables last night...awesome movie with lots of action but i was a bit disappointed with Lundgrens contribution in the movie...was kind of hoping he was going to do more. Statham was superb i thought along with Sly...wasnt too impressed with Jet Li or Couture, who really shouldnt even act again lol.

Terry Crews i just love, pure comedy from him especially with that great big gun:p

All in all id give it 8/10 but its one of those movie where you shut your brain off and just enjoy the action.
Watched The Expendables on Saturday and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World last night.

Expendables was just pure awesome action, switch your brain off and enjoy the carnage :) 8/10

Scott Pilgrim was fantastic, the whole cinema was in stitches throughout and the soundtrack was brilliant. Excellent geek comedy 9/10
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