What film did you watch last night?

Jolt - Mediocre action film, but has Kate Beckinsale in it, always a plus... 6/10

Scream - The original one. Still love it. Basically restarted the teen slasher movie. Possibly Wes Craven's best film. Plus Drew Barrymore gets gutted in the first 10 minutes. What more could I want? 9/10

Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Still a favourite. I know how most of the effects with Roger are done, but it still astounds me that they managed it in 88. It's just a fabulous movie all round. 10/10
Watched Sisu last night whilst riding my bike in the garage.
Decent premise and homage to a Sergio Leone spaghetti western / Tarantino gore fest. Some fantastic action but strayed to far into unbelievable action towards the end especially the
bit at the end which really was beyond even the likes of Mission Impossible or F&F 23
Worth a watch if you like John Wick type action and gore
Nothing like a good ol’ invulnerability peat bog thing to save the day.
I’m not sure if it’s rose tinted glasses…but everything was so much better back then.
Formative years for me, was 11 in 1990 so everything is a bit rose tinted around that time :)
go and wash your mouth out immediately, the 90's was the pinnacle for movies and music. now let that be the end of that discussion!! :p
Music, yes - movies was a rollercoaster of mediocrity to awesome and back again.
The 90’s were just amazing for films. Point break is another one from the 90’s


Point break / 1991

10/10. Nostalgia overload watching this.

This is awesome:

"Yes..the surfboard bothers me. Yes your whole approach to this God damned case bothers me and YES! YOU BOTHER ME! "

Some proper funny parts in what was generally a pretty tense undercover cop film. There are some moments where your really not sure if its all going to go pear shaped for Johnny Utah, films now you just know everything is going to turn out fine for the "hero" but this just felt sketchy everytime he was in danger.
Formative years for me, was 11 in 1990 so everything is a bit rose tinted around that time :)

Music, yes - movies was a rollercoaster of mediocrity to awesome and back again.
you're last sentence has you walking a highwire tightrope of danger.....with no safey harness. you're name has been noted and i will be keeping an eye on you. i was 15 at the start of that decade so the 90's can do no wrong, none!! :p
Shinjuku Incident (2009)

Produced by and staring Jackie Chan, subtitled version. I enjoyed this, movie about gangs is Japan with I guess a political message thrown in which was a little cheesy. Action down to earth no CGI etc which was refreshing.

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