Gran Torino at the moment. It's pretty good and I still wouldn't mess with Clint Eastwood, even though he is 80 years old.
currently watching Fargo. it was pretty good. until i got hit with the 'JA' and 'OH JA' bombshells. tis like after 45 mins the gloves are off and there is no relenting on the use of the words above. i mean okay this is meant to be an offbeat film but jesus, seriously, its almost made me turn it off. im just having a break about it right now to decide if i can be bothered to conclude.
its beyond redicolous
The grammar dude:
It's a local accent thing.
Maybe I am getting old and don't multitask like the kids.
hm accent is the intonation on the words...
you could mean dialect? at a stretch it is dialectal colloquialism at its most backward.
but seriously, it was retarded. and it wasnt just dialect they went to town on it, big time in some scenes it was just, 'ya', 'oh ya', 'ya' but it didnt start like that. it was that pregnant woman copper who brought it in. if it had started like that i wouldnt have gotten through the first 30 mins.
Apparently it's to do with their being a large German migrant population in Minnesota, where the film is set.
Just a quick question. How many of you do other things, for example writing in this forum, when watching films?
The Departed
Second time is probably as many months that I've watched this film, great stuff even if I still dont understand some of the early scenes