What film did you watch last night?

Repo Men 5.5/10 Plot holes all over the place but kind of enjoyable to watch. Lots of gore which gets a little OTT.

Unthinkable 4/10 Terrible movie, not sure if it was trying to be smart but it really isn't. Torture scenes are pretty poor and it's even comical as in one scene the guy is getting his teeth drilled but moments later he has a perfect hollywood smile lol... Ending is horrific too.

She's out of my league 2/10 - Forced to watch this with the girlfriend, really crappy standard rom-com. The voice of Jay Baruchel is almost as painful as physical torture and his acting is atrocious. AVOID

Cabin Fever 2/10 - picked up two points for being so bad it made me laugh. The effects were terrible, the gore was rubbish, the story was crap. Don't even bother really.
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Unthinkable 4/10 Terrible movie, not sure if it was trying to be smart but it really isn't. Torture scenes are pretty poor and it's even comical as in one scene the guy is getting his teeth drilled but moments later he has a perfect hollywood smile lol... Ending is horrific too.

I watched this film Monday night, and thought it was excellent and very clever, as it portayed what could really happen, and how far one man was willing to go, in order to do what they thought was right.

Ps the teeth at the back of the moth were being drilled not the front :p ;)
Watched The Cider House Rules last night. It was pretty good, though I found Michael Caine's accent a bit weird. Nothing outstanding, but not bad as these things go.
Amadeus - very good study of jealousy of the state composer over Mozart, some stunning shots and overall good. Although not being a huge fan of classical music some of the opera scenes stretched out a bit. 3/5
The Taking of Pelham 123 (Remake)

5/10 Standard Tony Scott visual fair with the fast cuts, blur and over exposure. The dialogue was pretty good and the story was building up well but the final 3rd was extremely poor. The subplot with the girl and her laptop over webcam was pathetic and added zero to the movie. Enjoyable but dumbed itself down to much.
Knocked Up

I thought it was going to be pants along the same lines as Date Night but thankfully it was quite good, started off really funny and then in typical comedy at the moment fashion it got a little dull middle to end but still a great film with plenty of lol's
I watched Hunter Prey last night, quite enjoyed it.
Nothing ground breaking and i imagine won't be to everyones taste, but was a good little film.

Plus the suits they wore were pretty damn cool looking :p
Not really a film but a great watch anyway watched first light on bbc last night great docu-drama about Real BoB pilot geoff wellum if you like ww2 films its a must see imo also used cgi enhanced footage from the epic Battle of britian 1969 movie.
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