The Shawshank Redemption
It’s surprising to find that this ‘beast’ of a renowned film, which spans decades of story, is only 2 hours 22 minutes long. Wow - so many films released today really are bloated aren’t they?
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes it so popular. There are the awful villains and the immensely satisfying ‘conclusion’ of that side of the story, which I think are the bits that everyone remembers it for. But I think the real gold is the anthology-like storytelling that comes before the meat of the ‘memorable bits’. It’s really fast paced and captivating, just like someone reading you an interesting story. Nothing really drags and you learn just enough to care about the characters / know who they are but without any filler. It’s so easy to watch.
I actually think the ending sections are the least interesting on rewatches, once you know the outcome - but that’s arguably true of any film. It’s the set up that really makes it top tier.
Always a good watch… plenty of feels, doesn’t outstay its welcome, a gripping long story when you care about the characters. I guess you don’t need flash and dazzle when the basics are just ‘there’.