What film did you watch last night?

Diary of the Dead

Just a boring film really, and it's not the found footage style that makes it boring. It takes us back to the beginning, shortly after the outbreak (although also in modern times in a weird sort of moving timeline shenanigan) It has a little of the Romero societal parallels but the characters are dull, the acting is dreadful and the story just not very engaging. In fact the only thing really notable about it is a young Tatiana Maslany in one of her first roles. Unfortunately she dies in about 5 mins so it doesn't even have that going for it.

He only ever made 3 great film Night Dawn and Day the rest are meh ,although crazies is ok
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)

Denzel and Meryl Streep at the top of their game. Well done thriller that straddles psychological and political rather well. Liev Schreiber is excellent too, I had only seen him in X-Men so need to check out some of his other work, and also the original film this is based on.

The Boy and the Heron

I was excited to see this new Studio Ghibli effort but I was quite underwhelmed.

‘Fleeting moments of greatness sprinkled across a tedious film’ - that’s it in a nutshell.

The film is poorly paced with a glacial opening, the lead character has no personality, the barrage of ‘whimsical things’ presented without any consequence feels more pretentious then wonderful, the design choices are unnecessarily unappealing (especially the ‘Heron’) … honestly the whole thing is like watching Spirited Away but all the settings are flipping to ‘**** mode’.

There’s a few great moments in there - mostly emotionally provocative imagery - but this was more of a miss than a hit. Shame.

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Survival of the Dead

Jesus. Either I'd never seen this or I'd repressed all memory of it. Diary wasn't a good film but it was alright, just dull. This is outright dreadful. A host of idiotic characters without a single one you could possibly give a **** about. This might be the first film I've seen that has no protagonist, no antagonist...no point really. Practical effects are replaced with mostly shoddy AI, societal commentary that is prevalent in all the Dead films is non-existent (well, unless you count some ham-fisted feuds lasting forever thing), and parts of it are weirdly slap-stick(like a grenade completely blowing up the wooden front of a shack but then the 3 guys left standing behind it are completely unharmed but covered in black soot ?!?). A sorry end to a series with some great films.
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Aquaman 2. 5/10

Jesus Christ..... Don't bother.
Couldn't have said it better. Watched it last night and I just gave up after the halfway point as I'd mostly lost interest. I enjoyed the first one so I was shocked at how bad this was.

Patrick Wilson I thought was the standout actor here because this was DC's equivalent of Love and Thunder, only worse. Jason "hey lets incorporate the haka somewhere again!" Momoa looked bored as hell, reduced to a comedic role. Black Mantra is just a rubbish villian as is budget Sauron. Some of the sets look like they're ripped out of Austin Powers or that kids spy film. The film is just a mockery of what came before from DC.
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Lawrence of Arabia - 4k remastered. One of the greatest of all time. A timeless epic which is just as good as it was many moons ago. Awesome, majestic, epic…. I’ll stop there. 10/10
Watched a few over The weekend.

The Maltese Falcon (1941)

Doesn't really hold up today for a first time viewer. It's more like a play, with most scenes played out in one location for long periods of time. There's also an almost constant barrage of dialogue that's overwhelming at times. Definitely a product of it's time.


Blackhat (2015)

Not a great effort from Michael Mann, overly long and poorly edited. Pacing was all over the place and the acting wasn't that good either. Hemsworth was not convincing at all as some kind of coding genius. He should stick to super hero and action rolls.


Fugitive Kind (1960)

Another film that was more like a play, which isn't surprising considering the source material and the writer. Very slow paced and not particularly interesting. Brando was decent, but most of female characters came off as a bit melodramatic. Another product of its time.


Slither (2006)

James Gunn's first directorial effort. Not bad. Rips off a lot from other films, but is funny enough and gory enough to stand up on it's own as B movie fluff. Enjoyed this one.

Ferrari - 6.5/10

There's a lot of this movie that I really like. I wasn't sure about Adam Driver as Il Commendatore when it was announced but I thought he was genuinely quite good in the role. All the cast were good, IMO, but a special word for Penelope Cruz who played Laura Ferrari with exactly the right level of unhinged. The pacing felt a bit slow, oddly so for a film about a man whose company goes motor racing. And I'd have liked a bit more balance between the racing action and the look at Ferrari's complicated domestic life that pretty much dominated the narrative.

But the worst, most unforgiveable thing is the utterly laughable CGI for the two big crashes - Eugenio Castellotti's death in testing, and Alfonso de Portago's deadly accident in the Mille Miglia. The latter one is especially poor because it completely spoils the impact of that horrific crash. Nine spectators lie dead on the ground, some of whom are children. Portago himself has been cut in half, a brutal end for a likeable guy. And you're still rolling your eyes and chuckling at visual effects that the producers of the Fast and Furious films would have deemed too unrealistic to use. Disappointing.
Fresh 5.5/10
Wasn't sure what to expect from this. Seriously messed up film. At least it wasn't as gory as it could have been.

Some good things about it, Sebastian Stan is suitably creepy and evil with a really good performance.

But once again the dreaded wokery raises it's ugly head. All white men are evil and treat women like pieces of meat apparently. And the rainbow coloured blouse the main characters friend was wearing was about as subtle as a sledge hammer. Wasn't surprised to find out it's a Disney produced film.

Not a bad film, but could have been so much better.
meet the feebles - certainly an experience
night of the demons - 1988 version - not bad, weird infamous scene.
dead mans shoes - a serious film for once, low budget but good
Ferrari - 6.5/10

But the worst, most unforgiveable thing is the utterly laughable CGI for the two big crashes - Eugenio Castellotti's death in testing, and Alfonso de Portago's deadly accident in the Mille Miglia. The latter one is especially poor because it completely spoils the impact of that horrific crash. Nine spectators lie dead on the ground, some of whom are children. Portago himself has been cut in half, a brutal end for a likeable guy. And you're still rolling your eyes and chuckling at visual effects that the producers of the Fast and Furious films would have deemed too unrealistic to use. Disappointing.
I didn’t think the first one was too bad , it’s a blink and you miss it scene as he cartwheels through the air (could even be a practical effect with a dummy). But yeah the 2nd one is bad - it reminded me of the CGI re-enactments you get of HSE accidents at work.

I think it could have been much more impactful if it didn’t show the actual crash explicitly and directly but only the results. Pretty sure it’s the co-driver that is actually cut in two, de Portago was mangled inside the car.
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