What film did you watch last night?

Machete - Bloody brilliant! 8/10, no bother.
Red - Not bad, though I think it took itself a wee bit too seriously in parts, 6.5/10.
The American - Turned it off after 45 minutes or so, was so very dull.
We watched Monsters last night:

Well when I say watched I managed an hour of the movie before I fell asleep - It really was a load of rubbish. 1/10 :(
City Of Ghosts - Interesting film about a conman who goes looking for his cut of the con cash but ends up in a bit of bother in Cambodia. I enjoyed it for what it was, certainly puts a thought in your head about Cambodia and when you go looking for trouble you're going to find it. Quite traveller orientated so I related to it well. Made me miss my travels in the sweaty countries. 7/10
Knight and Day

Was pretty much what I expected - a mindless action comedy. It was quite fun if you just want to switch off in front of the TV for an evening and also was nice to see Tom Cruise not taking himself too seriously again.

Watched Franklyn last night, I thought it was decent and harshly criticised in reviews. A clever, psychology based film. Not great, but an interesting watch.
Cargo 6/10

Very good sci-fi movie, there were tons of visual references to Alien and Bladerunner. I got the feeling this director likes Ridely Scott, and his movie was equally visually stunning, I'm pondering buying it on blu-ray as it can be had for under £8!
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