Watched Let Me In.
Thought it was good but it had no real ending.
What was the ending like? In the original, everyone gets nailed at the swimming pool and then they disappear off on a train, don't they?
Actually, now I think of it, it didn't really have an ending in the conventional sense. I quite like films like that sometimes. I often find it constrains things too much to have to have things in a 3 act beginning, middle, end format. Life isn't like that. Sometimes it works better to just show a slice of events.
The ending was as you described.
Thought the ending was a bit dull imho, would have been better with a big twist.
Any big twist in particular, or just one for the sake of having one?
Watched Collateral. Great movie. 7.5/10.
Cube - rubbish acting, same scenery for 90 minutes - boring boring boring. 0/10