What film did you watch last night?

Machete - Fantastic film made even better by having Jessica Alba, the chick at the start, and the twin nurses in it.
Film 4 had a couple of Bale films on last night, dutifully watched them. Worth mentioning that Film 4 really have got it together when it comes to ad breaks. I think there were 3 maybe 4 in the whole of the Machinist. Compared to (lol) ITV where they break every 10-15 and turn a 90 minute film into a 3 hour epic.


Always had a soft spot for this film, builds to a great climax with some awesome fight scenes.

The Machinist.

Intrigued at the start, attention flagged half way through, then pulled it together for an awesome finish.
Saw Faster today and thoroughly enjoyed it, plenty of action and car porn too.

Pumping Iron - 7 Beefcakes out of 10.

There were moments where I thought it was going to turn in to mid 70's gay porn film, but it did offer some fascinating glimpses in to the highly focused mind of Arnie.

I just love mid 70's America too.
Last night I watched Sphere, tonight I'm watching The Abyss. :)

Any other deep sea adventure movies, lemme know ;)

great choices their, both brilliant movies, loved Ed Harris in the Abyss, one of my favourite all time movies, Michael Biehn was superb as well! :D
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