What film did you watch last night?

Watched Get Him To The Greek - 1/10 seriously how did peice of rubbish ever get released? One of the few movies I've rented and didn't bother finishing. I can enjoy unoriginal toilet humour as long as it is funny, this was not
Phantasm. Love the silver ball....surreal to say the least. :D Good especially for the time it was made, quite creepy in parts. 7/10.
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Saw the Ip Man trilogy last week - Well worth a watch if your into martial arts films
Its about a kung fu grandmaster called Ip Man and the amazing things that have happened in his life. FYI Hes the guy who trained Bruce Lee

First - 9/10
Brilliant film, well acted, excellent fight scenes strong script. Whats not to like?
Second - 7/10
Not as strong as the first on nearly every front
Third - 6/10
A prequel, seemed to reuse actors for different roles ( or is that me being ignorant?)
Season of the Witch - 8/10

It didn't get rated that highly judging by the comments section over at the imdb but i am glad i gave it the chance as it was much better than i thought it was going to be.
The Strangers.
I thought it started out reasonably well and nicely built the suspense for the first 45 minutes, but after that it became very repetitive and over-used the 'jumps' to the point that you started predicting them. Mercifully it didn't outstay its welcome though at just 1 hour 10 minutes.
6.5/10 - a good idea that didn't quite come off.
Age of the dragons...omg what an utterly utterly rubbish movie...has Danny Glover in it and even he was so pathetically bad that i couldnt help but laugh at the sheer crapness of this movie...only redeeming thing about the movie was the hot young lass in there...but even she couldnt save the movie...what an abomination of a movie in all honesty.

2/10...ill give it 2 because Vinnie Jones is in it for a little bit and he wasnt too bad lol.
i've tried twice now, i'm sure i've got ADD:p

when i put it on i noticed it was nearly 2.5 hours long and i was like hmm am i going to make it this time? but i was far more alert than the last time i tried (good job really!) and i'm glad i persisted with it
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