What film did you watch last night?

I've watched a few films over the past days and they are, plus rating....

London Boulevard - 2/10 (What a waste of talent, with Colin Farrell's strangest London accent I've heard. Ray Winstone needs to sack his agent after this and 44" Chest.

Season of the Witch - 5/10 (Nicholas Cage and Ron Pearlman with these 21st American accents and dialogue even though it's set hundreds of years ago. Effects were ok though with few entertaining moments)

Despicable Me 3D - 9/10 (Fantastic in 3D, with quite a lot of funny moments - The Minions are good)

JackAss 3D - 7/10 (Enjoyed it more than I thought I would and some excellent 3D moments)
They're planning on financing their own sequel as it was intended as a series of some sort.

If the original is as bad as I've heard, I wouldn't hold out much hope, which is probably for the best.

Had high expectations of Skyline but the film was poop.
It would have fared better as a TV series imo.
Let me in 8/10

Am amazed at Chloe Moretz she is such an amazing little Actress she is going to be hugh, i just hope that she gets a childhood, when you look at child actors past and present they pretty much got messed up in the early teens
The Eagle

Went into this not knowing what to expect, as my friend only told me about it a couple of hours before hand. Came out pleasantly surprised! Really quite enjoyed it.



It wasn't great. Too many of the actions scenes were just a bit too silly. Driving the police car by tasering that dude? Give over. I worked out very early on that she was still a good guy; didn't figure out that he was the bad guy but it wasn't a great surprise as there had to be someone.
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The Fighter

Good film, not sure if that was an oscar winning performance for me, I do like Bale in virtually all he has done, and from what I've read and seen at the clips at the end, he clearly got into the role very very well. Just not clearcut as an oscar perforance for me.
Not sure what I want in such a perforance.
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