What film did you watch last night?

The invention of lying.


Thought it was alright, doesnt go overboard with the lying and doesnt indulge (not the same type of person as u snowy lol.) and has a strange but nice love story which this is mainly about (not the lying).
Police academy, the 4th or 5th time I've watched this film, first time in a year or three now, HILARIOUS imo, much better than most crap coming out these days. I rated it 10/10. I was laughing most of the film.
Watched 2 films today:

Sherlock Holmes: Ever so dull, Jude Law still somehow annoys me in every film he's been in except for Enemy At The Gates, 3/10

In Bruges: Heard bits about this being hit and miss, I thought it was really good, level of humour was excellent despite one or two slightly corny scenes, 8.5/10
Watched S. Holmes last night but for tonight...

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus on Sci-Fi right now :p

..and even if you miss it, it'll be on again in a day or two - you've got no excuses!

Fancy the double helping of Malibu Shark Attack & Raging Sharks myself. Tonight, Sci Fi Channel.

12 Days of Terror fact based shark movie, pretty good, just not the normal run of the mill Sci Fi Channel type trash.
Red Mist Prank victim left in coma gets own back on tormentors. Daft, trashy, pretty goreless. From the director of Shrooms.
Last night I really struggled to find something decent that I haven't seen before, ended up watching The Pianist from 2002, seems like another film I have missed.

I enjoyed it very much, a good film which tells how Jews were treated before the concentration camp stage came about.
In the Loop.

Very funny, very caustic and very sweary.

Ditto, absolutely superb. Peter Capaldi, is just pure class.

Line of the film was when a Yank tried to chastise Malcom for his swearing, unfortunately his reply was not so forum friendly.

Best film ive seen this year next to Inglorious and district 9.
Inglourios ********.

Average realy, expected it to be a lot better on popular opinion.

Fell asleep, those two pillocks in the cinema wasting everybody with the guns woke me up, sadly i caught the equaly disapointing ending:)
Watched Children of Men last night, I liked the beginning and the initial story but it turned into a pretty typical action-y type film, still enjoyable though.
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