Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.
Overall I enjoyed it, but that's mainly due to my blind childhood nostalgia. On the whole, the film had glimmers of fantastic moments but was quickly cut short and ruined by over-eager direction and tangents into often clichéd territory within the plot. I don't feel it had the same impact as the first one and possibly didn't have the same amount of love paid to the francise. It's still an alright film in my opinion; you know what you're getting. It's just I do feel that it often fell short. As an example: When Optimus dies in the original cartoon, it is genuinely a lump in the throat moment, where when he died in RotF, it absolutely paled in comparison; they could have really done so much more with it. I also found the addition of new stereotypes for the autobots rather annoying; I can only imagine that this was done to entertain a certain clique in the market.
To me RotF, felt like it had become victim of the former's success. Rather than respecting the francise and working the sequel into a respectable story, it seemed to have sold out to entertain the mindless droves. There was a lot of CGI and fighting, but often the robot-on-robot fighting became hard to follow. Still, it's transformers: I want more!