What game did you play last?

Any recommendations for 2 player games? Not something I'm normally into but my other half likes them a bit, she plays Settlers but apparently it isn't great with only 2 players.

This could use its own thread really, but: Caylus, Dominion and A Feast For Odin (if you can find it) are all great for 2 but expand to more. Games specifically for two are not something I normally play, but Jaipur, Patchwork and 7 Wonders: Duel get good noises.
Any recommendations for 2 player games? Not something I'm normally into but my other half likes them a bit, she plays Settlers but apparently it isn't great with only 2 players.

I second Jaipur, Patchwork and 7 Wonders: Duel, I own all 3 and they are excellent games, 7 wonders duel is a bit heavier but not too much, Dominion is also a fantastic deck building game that has had an update to the original and Intrigue versions recently, they come with multiple decks and you only use a select few so every game does feel different.

depending what you are after in terms of complexity the simple ones mentioned you could also add to that Agricola: All Creatures and even Ticket to ride - a very light and fun family style game, moving up in complexity Concordia is an excellent game and very relaxed if you don't want cutthroat as is Viticulture, both lovely euro games. Pandemic and Carcassone are highly recommended games for most players and both scale depending on players.

If you want more complex (and more expensive) Scythe and Mansions of Madness 2nd edition are both brilliant games but very different to each other, descent 2nd edition is also playable co-op and uses an app if you fancy more D&D style dungeon crawler.

There is also the likes of Magic the Gathering, Dice masters or Star Wars Destiny that are collectable games that are made for 1v1 play, you can get starter sets for all that will play relatively well against each other but they can all get very expensive very quick with booster packs (dice masters is much cheaper in this regard as they are £1 each max apposed to £3-4 for the others)

Whatever you decide to play have a look on youtube for "watch it played" you may be different but I find watching someone teach you a game is much easier then most rulebooks.
Awesome replies, thanks chaps.

now i am home i can see my collection, would also add Star Realms to the list, can pick it up for about £10 and its a 1v1 deck building game, there is also Hero Realms which is a slightly improved version imo and Cthulhu Realms but i never managed to get on with that one unfortunately.

Castles of Burgundy, a dice rolling city building game, art isn't its strong point but id say its by far the best game you could pick up for £20

Memior 44 is a hex and dice wargame, scenarios based around real battles if you like the history and a simple yet very fun combat mechanic.

Splendor is quick game where you take your turn either taking gems (nice solid poker chips in the game) to buy cards which leads to making getting better cards easier, very nice game to play as the chips have a very nice hands on feel to the game.

i think ill leave it there for now but hopefully you should find somthing you enjoy.
Three games played last night. Yamatai again, this time with four which I think is a better count. Viticulture using the Advanced Board and Structures for the first time. The Advanced Board is good, but we all agreed that Structures are way too swingy and we prefer the Specialist Workers (which we'd left out to keep the module count down). And a first play for Dream Home, a card drafting tableau builder that is pretty light but a fun way to kill 30 minutes.
It was the second edition with the app, I also have the 1st edition and the 1st edition expansions as you select what you own and the app adds more variety to the spawns.

The app allows puzzles to be much quicker as the 1st edition they required setting up but in the second they are all done on screen, it also mixes up the layout of the mansion, its the second time I have played the scenario and other then the first part the rest was all different

Its a lot of money for the initial outlay but it is an excellent game although with all the extras out it really does take over the table, we have an extendable table and over half was taken up by monsters and tile space.
Thanks for this, very useful.
Had a go at Burgle Bros last night. What an utter fuster cluck!

For those unaware you and your team are breaking into a 2 or 3 storey building to crack some safes and steal the goodies. Obviously there are guards looking after each floor and they'll respond to any alarms you set off. To give you a slight advantage you have 3 stealth tokens you can burn through to avoid guards but the 4th time means you get caught and lose the game.

Guess who lost 2 on his first move and 1 on my partners next move? Yup - THIS guy! Made for a properly intense game that we couldn't quite win!
Thanks for this, very useful.

No worries hope you find something enjoyable.

Just finished a game of castles of burgundy with the wife, forgot most of the rules but after a quick youtube video it all clicked again and its such a smooth flowing game, also finally put it in an organiser we can play out of instead of stacking everything which should make things much smoother for setup.

Yesterday we had a quick game of click clack lumberjack with the family then sat down with the wife and my parents for a game of Lords of Waterdeep... my parents had never played board games other then monopoly and cluedo until we showed them ticket to ride and now my dad has purchased an extendable dining table so we can play games at his and we all go away in August for a week and are hoping to have a few game nights.

i feel we are infecting others in the family as we now have my sister, nephew, brother and sister in law, nieces and my parents all playing the games with us, not bad for a hobby i had always wanted to try but never did until i was in London 2 years ago for my 30th and decided **** it I'm going to give it a go and picked up Pandemic and D&D Wrath of Ashardalon. We have never looked back and love having a gaming day with the family with little to no technology and just talking and laughing with each other.
I think I've addicted half of my Sunday group to Dream Home. We ended up having three sessions of it across the evening. It's even faster than I thought: we managed to play a three-player game in under 20 minutes including setup, breakdown and teaching.

Apart from that we played Yamatai once more - still good - and a round of Tallinn, a mini tableau builder by Stefan Risthaus with the twist of "set collection, but you need to give up pieces of your set to score" that he used in Monuments: Wonders of Antiquity.
Played the first scenario for Robinson Crusoe (2nd ed). Was good fun even with just 2 of us playing. We 100% learnt we are not the best castaways :D.



We've got a whole weekend of board gaming ahead of us. Nothing new has hit the table for a while but its a chance to play some as 4 player games (normally at least 6 of us) instead.

Zombicide: Black Plague - (team game) 2 bonus maps to do. The 5 of these run like a campaign so you keep the same characters and can do the maps in any order. Probably available on the CMON site.

Firefly: The board game - (pvp in a way) With all expansions, this will go for a few hours. I like the relaxed style of completing the missions and then the race to the end to see who wins.

XCOM - (team game) A group favourite with the expansion. Models all painted now too.

The Dresden Files - (team game) Quite quick to play once you get your head into it. Follows the books with the missions.

Ticket to Ride (Europe) - (pvp) Getting the dust blown off this one for a change

Descent - (Us vs GM) Continuing the campaign, the brave adventurers assault another dungeon (and get wiped out).

The Others - (Us vs GM) Only played once and it was interesting. A bit like Descent but with a more modern day take.

Rum'n'Bones - (team vs team) Pirate ship vs Pirate ship. Waves of crew attack and the heroes (3 of 5 at any one time per team) do their thing. Rum and Alestorm playing in the background obligatory

Other that might get a look in.
Plague Inc.
Pandemic Iberia
Camel Up
Word Whimsy
Had our first run at March of the Ants on Wednesday. Interesting little 4X area control game. As I've heard others say, it reminded me of a smaller scale Eclipse. Looking forward to trying the expansion at some point.

After that we played Bomarzo, which is a good tight worker placement game that I enjoy a lot. It's one of the few non-social games I've played twice in one night.
I got Descent 2nd edition delivered yesterday, will be giving it a whirl tonight.

Edit: only managed a short game of Descent as my wife was too tired (I assumed that was an excuse reserved for a particular type of activity but apparently not) but thoroughly enjoyed it. Played the first scenario and as heroes won rather easily I'm guessing you are supposed to win that one though as I struggle to see how you could lose it.

Looking forward to playing it some more!
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Sunday was a second stab at March of the Ants, which went down well and shocked people by how fast it went - 75 minutes for 3 players from cracking the box to closing it. Everyone else was still in midgame, so we played a round of Colony.

After that I finally got Fresco to the table after weeks of trying. It's a good worker assignation game that won Deutsche Spielpreis 2010, and was enjoyed enough that we came close to playing a second round immediately. The group playing Near and Far finished at that time, though, and one of them hung around for another game. We didn't have time for Fresco with four so played Valley of the Kings: Last Rites instead.
We played 4 player samurai spirit. At a brutally hard co-op game. We lost 5 times in a row and started playing love letter instead which is always great fun.
Anyone play Mansion of Madness?

I have a group who quite like investigative stuff, is it worth a pick up?
I asked a similar question earlier in the thread as currently considering it but wary of the outlay.

GTanny was very helpful in post 351 which has pushed me in the direction of going for it!
I asked a similar question earlier in the thread as currently considering it but wary of the outlay.

GTanny was very helpful in post 351 which has pushed me in the direction of going for it!

Thanks I'll nip back and have a look!

Edit: sounds good but £75 outlay :eek: I'll be asking for some donations from the gaming group if they want me to pick up that one!
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