What game did you play last?

Saw that a couple of people of here recommended Patchwork so bought it as my wife and I are always on the look out for good 2 player games. Have played about 4 games so far and really enjoy like. It's simple to pick up but quite tactical and each game has turned out very differently.

Also played Unfair on Monday night which I backed through Kickstarter. It's a shame it didn't arrive a day earlier for our Sunday night games session. Very good game but will need a few plays to get the right tactics.
Mostly our monthly roleplay this weekend but my missus isn't feeling great (GM) so we had a game of:

Forbidden Island: Very simple to play and quick too. Worth considering if you have kids.

Firefly Shiny Dice: 3 rounds of a push your luck game. Not played in a while but still enjoyable.

Junta: The 1985 version. Only ever played once and forgot how complex it could be. My coup attempt failed after another player hedged his bets (although after a review, he should have been the 1st Rebel). Didn't finish as we run out of time (dinner).

Pandemic Iberia : A twist on Pandemic set in 1850 Spain. You can't eradicate diseases, has different job roles and the game has a few challenges if you want to make it harder. It does have railroads (when placed) though which were a great help.
We won 3 games including a challenge. A good addition.
I found out a few months ago my boss at work is a big geek and loves his board games. He has a few apparently but not got anyone really to play with apart from his wife and the occasional trip to the game cafe in Derby. Anyway after work one Thursday he came along with Camel Up and we had a few games. It was my first time playing it and after the first go it was easy to ply and he let me borrow it. Had it a few weeks and my wife and I had a fair few games. Loved it. Last thursday he came in with Ticket to ride. Little more complex but after one game it became so easy to learn. We had a few games and I was hooked. I borrowed that one too. Had a few games over the last few days with the wife and last night it was three player game with wifey and her brother. Its was so much fun. Thoroughly reccomend this game if you have not got it yet. I will more than likely buy it for ourselves as asking my boss to bring it in every time I fancy a game is a bit of a pain although he told me its fine. I am going to make a collection of games myself this year and sort of organise a games night either after work (we all work in a pub as chefs and on Thursdays once 11:30 comes and guests get chucked out we crack open the games) or try to have a night at one of our homes to crack them open. Boaard games are fun and I have now found a new love for thme as now they have really good mechanics and designs compared to the ones I had a child.
Welcome aboard! Keep an eye out for Midcon in November, and you should visit the forums on boardgamegeek.com to find a regular gaming group in Derby.

Last night I cracked out World of Smog: On Her Majesty's Service for the first time in a while. It went down well. After that was Orleans using the new Beneficial Deeds board from Trade & Intrigue for the first time. I got narrowly pipped to the win for a change, although I deliberately didn't buy the Bathhouse and I never made much use of the Herb Garden I picked up with my first Trader.
Okay, my boss came round last night to have a gaming session with myself and my wife. He came equipped with CamelUp, Fluxx the board game, Fluxx Pirates, Fluxx Oz, Settlers of Catan, Risk and Dobble. We managed to play Ticket to Ride which I already had off him, CamelUp, Fluxx Pirates and Dobble.

Dobble is the funniest game I have ever played. It's so simple but it's so hard to see what you need to see. Fantastic fun. If you have not got it, get it. It's only a few quid. Its like the card game Snap but with a twist and 5, iirc, ways to play it. 10/10 from me.
Already played CamelUp and Ticket to Ride, both amazing games and very well done. Fluxx Pirates was a little more complex but after about 20 mins I got the hang of it and my wife just about got it. It's one to try again and learn the mechanics a little more before we play it with more people again.

We didn't get time to play anything else but he left me the games so wifey and I can play the rest later in the coming week.

Welcome aboard! Keep an eye out for Midcon in November, and you should visit the forums on boardgamegeek.com to find a regular gaming group in Derby.

Last night I cracked out World of Smog: On Her Majesty's Service for the first time in a while. It went down well. After that was Orleans using the new Beneficial Deeds board from Trade & Intrigue for the first time. I got narrowly pipped to the win for a change, although I deliberately didn't buy the Bathhouse and I never made much use of the Herb Garden I picked up with my first Trader.

My boss went to the local gaming cafe in Derby a few weeks ago and said it was good. He also mentioned about starting up a D&D game. Its been like 25+ years since I played a RPG like D&D. Had a quick google on rules and what is needed last night so might help him out. Non pc/console gaming if fun. Better in fact.
Had a game of mansions of madness yesterday with the wife, absolutely loved the game... until the inevitable failure anyway, such tension and some great narration.

only did the intro mission but we will go back next opportunity and we will defeat it soon.
Sunday night I got two on the table that hadn't seen play in a while - Discworld: Ankh-Morpork and Cthulhu 500. D:AM went down well, Cthulhu 500 less so (but then it is just a silly card game).

Finished off with three-player Viticulture, which isn't as good as with five but respectable nonetheless. Specialists were Innkeeper (when you play to the same space as someone else you can give them $1 in exchange for a random visitor card from their hand) and Salesman from the New Specialists pack (when you fill an order with the Salesman in any way you can pay $2 to fill another). I hired Innkeeper and it was very useful, letting me build up some heinous combos around structures. Nobody tried Salesman, but I can see how it would allow for some huge late game point scoring.
Our D&D game fell flat last week due to illness, so the remainder of us normally get a board-game out. Rather than one of the (un)usual suspects, I found an old, old game called "Outburst!" and it turned out to be really entertaining. I've since found an up-to-date version called Tensions, which can be found pretty cheap. It's a bit "normal" but it's really good fun :)

Also, I got two more card games (one I've played before and one new one); Dobble and Grab a Pig. Hoping to try them soon :D
Had a game of mansions of madness yesterday with the wife, absolutely loved the game... until the inevitable failure anyway, such tension and some great narration.

only did the intro mission but we will go back next opportunity and we will defeat it soon.
Did you play the original version or the 2nd edition one with the app?

We're thinking of getting it but it's a lot to spend so good to hear you are enjoying it.
Did you play the original version or the 2nd edition one with the app?

We're thinking of getting it but it's a lot to spend so good to hear you are enjoying it.

It was the second edition with the app, I also have the 1st edition and the 1st edition expansions as you select what you own and the app adds more variety to the spawns.

The app allows puzzles to be much quicker as the 1st edition they required setting up but in the second they are all done on screen, it also mixes up the layout of the mansion, its the second time I have played the scenario and other then the first part the rest was all different

Its a lot of money for the initial outlay but it is an excellent game although with all the extras out it really does take over the table, we have an extendable table and over half was taken up by monsters and tile space.
Tried out the Dark Souls board game yesterday. 3 players, we got as far as the mini boss. Made some mistakes (first time playing for all of us), but realised most of these quite quickly. Fortunately, with the way the system is set up, we can easily go back to where we were previously (took photos of all the stats cards and the bonfire).

Bit grindy, but otherwise a pretty good game with some very interesting mechanics - I especially like the heat up mechanics for bosses.
Sunday's gaming was:

Discworld: The Witches - the weaker of Martin Wallace's two Discworld games IMO, but still OK. I botched the rules because I haven't played for ages, but it went much better on the rerun.

Sagrada - dice drafting game that just fulfilled its Kickstarter deliveries. Pretty, quite light, would play again.

Archon: Glory and Machination - a worker placement game which I like for its interesting twist that you have a deck of cards representing the roles of your workers. Throughout the game you can upgrade these workers, and you must plan ahead because you split your deck in two every other turn and can use only the cards you chose.
GTA3 - finished it now. Was ok but only really played it to fill in the gaps in my GTA experience. I wouldn't really recommend any else suffer a 15 year old game that has been greatly surpassed by it's successors.
Sunday's gaming was:

Discworld: The Witches - the weaker of Martin Wallace's two Discworld games IMO, but still OK. I botched the rules because I haven't played for ages, but it went much better on the rerun.

Just be thankful his last Discworld based game never saw the light of day. (Still got the playtest version of it here). Can't say i enjoyed any of his games really and found Guards! Guards! and Clacks to be better.
Playtest versions tend to need refinement. But if you don't want it, I'm interested.

There is a lot of refinement with his games. Pages of it (and he wasn't happy with our feedback yet a lot of it made the final game)

This is one of the things that will be stored in the Discworld collection of stuff not many people have.
But you can have a sneaky look as you have a trustworthy face

There is a lot of refinement with his games. Pages of it (and he wasn't happy with our feedback yet a lot of it made the final game)

This is one of the things that will be stored in the Discworld collection of stuff not many people have.
But you can have a sneaky look as you have a trustworthy face

There's a special place in Hell for people like you. :mad:

(I mean, yeah, I understand, but still.)
You are welcome to drop by and have a game.

Friends down for the weekend (Portsmouth beer festival tomorrow) so we played Nuclear War. I think it was a Kickstarter.
Very enjoyable game (pvp) of destroying your enemies population by launching nukes at them. You spin a dial to see if it extra effects on the very nicely crafted box.
End result: There are no winners in Nuclear War.
Will play again.

Also Cthulu Fluxx which i can't remember playing before but we own it so i must have.
Managed to get the win after taking a convoluted turn.
I don't recall Nuclear War being a Kickstarter, because I probably would have backed it. The 50th Anniversary edition came out a year or two ago though.

Last night I got my first run at Yamatai, Bruno Cathala's new one. It's clever, but I don't think three is the best number for it because the actions cycle more slowly. Then it was an old favourite in Caylus, where again we played with the worst count (five) until someone had to drop out early on. We carried on with four, but it was a bit of a curate's egg for one player and another just didn't like it.
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