What game did you play last?

Last night we started with Not Alone before splitting up. Super-tight game, the Creature got within one space of victory before we lunged across the line and would have won if we hadn't got a Vaccine.

After that we split up and I played The Gallerist with three. Still a great game. I won with 187 to 150/121 by pushing the right artist to celebrity status, which gave me two Masterpieces.

We then finished off with Valley of the Kings: Afterlife with four. It may be my favourite version, the base game is a bit slow and Last Rites is too combo-happy. Won by 1 point after being able to entomb three cards from one set two turns running, which was a bit lucky but I'll take it.
We played Betrayal at the House on the hill on saturday night with 5 of us.

I'm genuinely not sure what the think - the premise was good however I wasn't happy with the haunt we got (No 2 - the seance) as I wasn't too sure what the objectives were(!) and when we compared notes afterwards it still wasn't clear as the players had summoned and completed the quest before the traitor's go. I think that because it is randomly generated that this can be an issue at times...
Agricola. I like the game, but it's too easy with 2 players. There are too many resources
There is a specific 2 player only version called All Creatures Great and Small which works really well. Unfortunately it's out of print but keeping an eye open as really want to get hold of a copy.
AD&D - about 26 years ago. :D

Would love to start it up again, though I'd probably begin/stick with the basic through to master rules of D&D.
As part of our SUperbowl day, we started a game of Game of Thrones around 6:30pm. The Superbowl would kick off around 5 hours later, we thought that would be enough time...

We played before the SB two years ago and I won rather surprisingly after 3 hours (only really half way in) when we realised I could cap enough castles to win the game. (We were 4 and it leaves the lower half of the board open for a player to march in and take castles)

There were 6 of us this time... wow is it a slow moving game. At the 4 hour mark we weren't even half way, so decided it would be the last round (5 rounds done instead of 10)

I was Baratheon again (pure fluke of random allocation) and suffered early as someone decided to attack me early. Lanisters almost won in round 3, needing only 2 more castles, so they got picked on somewhat in round 4 and lost a couple of castles and all things looked very even.

The guy that weakened himself early by attacking me, then pulled off a surprise hit on the new favourite, which squashed his chances of winning our early finishing game and somehow I managed to nab one more castle to give myself the win.


It's a great game, with so much strategy and planning, but just takes sooo long to play.
had a games weekend with friend staying over, played a mix of family games and an adult only game of Settlers of Catan when kids had gone to bed!"

Looping Chewie (brilliant fun for all ages)
Boss Master - really good game
Sushi go
Love letters
Kids Monopoly
Boss monster - 2 player, first try of it. Fun! I think it would be better with 4, as the managing who gets which hero would be more strategic and less random.
Patchwork - currently tied for 'best 2p game' in our house.
Pocket Mr Jack - the other contender :D
Love Letter ('the hobbit' edition) - still fun, but it irks me that there's an instant-lose hand
AD&D - about 26 years ago. :D

Would love to start it up again, though I'd probably begin/stick with the basic through to master rules of D&D.

The more recent versions are supposed to be simpler to understand. I stick to Pathfinder (AD&D 3.75 I guess) as I know it pretty well now. Our group have taken to it quicker than they picked up 2nd edition.

Over the weekend at friends, 5 of us...

The Dresden Files game - Friend backed on Kickstarter so we broke it out. All in all, I enjoyed it. A few clarifications on some rules were required which we couldn't find answers for.
The rules in general read as being overly complex but it was very simple to actually play. We played the first 4 'books' so anyone that hasn't read them, there are mild spoilers (I've only read the first 2) and it was a close run thing as you are limited to your initial hand of cards (unless you can pick more up) so the game is limited in time to an hour maximum.

Camel Up - Can't go wrong with this game and its been a few months since we played it. Still great fun for all ages. If you do not have it yet, you really should get it.
Infiltration - Push your luck type game where you infiltrate a building and get data and get out before the timer expires. The timer is a dice roll. Very enjoyable and you can mess with the other players.
Zombicide Black Plague - A favourite. Wolfsburg quests 5 and 6 now done. The towers make it easy for ranged characters but that will change once we had the skeleton archers in.
Settlers of Catan - Had to blow the dust off this one. I won but only because someone forgot to declare their card on their turn and I stole their longest road points. Still ike the game
Played at a works games night:

Roll through the ages
Secret Hilter (hilarious)

Then with friends Warhammer Quest Card game.... which I enjoyed, shame there will be no more of that :S
Gloomhaven. More of an unboxing / setup / arranging / get to know the rules first play. The amount of content is bonkers.

What's your thoughts on the game? It's currently on my 'Want to Buy' list.

I recently played Through the Ages - A Story of Civilisation, we played the basic game & a full game with 2 players. It's a great game & it'll be interesting to see how it plays out with a full group of 4 players. :D

Tonight I started to setup Robinson Crusoe (2nd Ed). I need to spend some time this week reading through the rule-book & then giving the game a whirl.

Played Anachrony last night. Very crunchy, very good. I lost by 3 points, but I could see where I could have fine tuned my game to make up at least that many.

The box is enormous, by the way - bigger footprint than EGG's deluxe Vital Lacerda editions and deeper than Roads & Boats. In my collection it's second only to Cthulhu Wars in size.
I played Isle of Skye last night, definitely recommend it.

Easy enough to learn, good variation in victory goals each time you play, and enough strategy with tile valuation that you need to balance pricing with risk/reward.

Good fun game, and not too long or short to play. Feels like a bit of a cross between Carcassonne and Alhambra.
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AD&D - about 26 years ago. :D
Would love to start it up again, though I'd probably begin/stick with the basic through to master rules of D&D.
Just for the record, D&D 5th Edition is pretty much the simplest version of the game to have ever come out since the original Red Basic box. It still has a decent variation of classes and races, but the rules themselves are infinitely simpler. The advantage/disadvantage rule just by itself makes life so much more streamlined. If you have enough friends, grab the Starter Set - good little module, pregenerated characters, and all the extras you need.

As for the last game I played - we had a quick game of Exploding Kittens after D&D fell through on Thursday night. The last player to be eliminated put the final exploding kitten back in the exact right spot to blast himself :D
Last night we played Cthulhu Wars. As usual everyone ignored me when I said Faction X was winning and then it did. After that was Letters From Whitechapel. I was Jack, and they got me one move from home on the last night. Very tight game.
Playing Gloomhaven atm, on our 4th session.

Enjoying it, although there are some aspects of the rules I don't like personally (like not being allowed to share gold / items within the group), which move some of the gameplay away from true teamwork.
Playing Gloomhaven atm, on our 4th session.

Enjoying it, although there are some aspects of the rules I don't like personally (like not being allowed to share gold / items within the group), which move some of the gameplay away from true teamwork.

It's different from most coops in that respect, although I think it is how Isaac wanted it to play. The mercs aren't best mates and just put up with each other to get to the goal.

I've only played a few times, getting quicker at set up. It's incredibly robust, everything just fits together well and the actual core mechanics, i.e. the dungeon crawling, works brilliantly. It rewards good tactics.
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