What game did you play last?

5 policemen hunt Jack the Ripper over 4 nights.
Jack decides which of about 190 locations on the map is his hideout then let's us know where his victim is.
The policemen then have to arrest him by zeroing in on his location. We go to the vicinity of 123 and 124 and if he's been there he leaves a marker.
It's very similar to Fury of Dracula which I prefer.

Started playing Descent again too. The dice hate me but I still like it.
The Grizzled - Fantastic on edge cooperative card game with no discussion on the cards in your hand. Themed around surviving the world war 1 tranches mentally rather than physically. Also the art is by one of the guys killed in the Charlie Hebdo attack. For such a simple game, very stressful.

Innovation - Chaotic civilization building card game. Hard to describe, but a mixture of building your own civilization and stealing from everyone else. Each card has it's own ability, some hurt others, some help you and others depending on what you have in your civilization. It's very fun, but don't ever expect to feel in control as it is swingy.
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Sunday we played;

Mag Blast - new game for our group, pretty funny enjoyed a few games of it.

Dungeon Quest - good giggle playing with the hardcore rules, though it does suck if you die early on.

Get Bit - quick game to finish off.

Talisman - Game with wife last night. I lost in a battle at the CoC.

I have just ordered Battlestar Galatica! All of our group loved the series!
Had a game of Rum and Bones today - very enjoyable skirmish which took about an hour or so to play. Then another hour or so to put it away - mini's are cool as hell but daaaaaaaaamn! :p
Eldritch Horror - Not got this to the table for a while. Definitely prefer it to Arkham Horror, I just find it a little more interesting and less frustrating and a nice amount. We Lost on the last dice roll, but it will all great fun. Sticking away form the expansions that add boards though as I can only see them hurting the game like they did in Arkham.

Elysium - Still on the fence about this one. The mechanics are good, but the amount of card reading at the start of every round makes it a little unwieldy. Also it's inevitable the round you go last on (though you can control this in the game), the cards you want come out screwing your game. I've either come last or first by a decent amount, which suggests that I take the risks hoping I get the cards I want and occasionally it pays off.
Got invited to an impromptu axis and allies game on Friday, it was awesome. Only one of us had played before, some 10 or so years ago, so it was a bit of a learninge

Highlight has to have been rolling up the Russian army and taking Moscow turn 2 in an impressive show of German might!
Blood Rage - Norse area control, drafting, monster mashup. Before saying anything about the game play, I would say the miniatures in this game are probably the best quality I've ever seen in a board game (not including miniature hobbies such as Warhammer). We played this twice (albeit as 3 player). Everything about the mechanics was solid enough, the drafting of the powers/abilities/monsters was by far the most fun though. for some reason, after all the hype, the actual dudes on a map bit just felt hollow and didn't flow well for me. I'm not sure why either because as a set of mechanics it should be excellent. I won by a margin on both games and it seems really hard to catch up with an early lead on the improvement tracks, especially the rage. I need to play it as a 4 as that might balance it better, but it just didn't work as a 3. That is a little concerning as while it supports 5 via the expansion, going above the normal recommended limit is normally a recipe for slow game. We shall see I guess.

Above and Below - Weird village building story driven exploration game with a touch of euro scoring. Everything about this game was nice and I don't mean nice as in mediocre, I mean pleasant. As in the art is lovely, the village building is easy but satisfying, the exploration (in a Tales of Arabian Nights style) is enjoyable, even when something wants to eat your explorers. It's not exceptional at anything, but the mix of different mechanics make it original and fresh. A great evening game to relax to for an hour or so.

Mission Red Planet - Steam punk roll selection area control. This was the new Fantasy Flight edition and the whole style of the game fit the game perfectly. Really simple once you've played a couple of rounds and shouldn't take even a group of 6 much past 45 minutes. It was great fun with the hidden objectives and area control. Getting screwed over by the card order was fun (9 cards played in descending order). Didn't think I'd like it as much as I did.
Eclipse + All Current Expansions - My favourite 4x board game, have played this a handful of times, and although playing against seasoned players, get plenty of enjoyment from this game. If you havent played it , I highly recommend it, but it can take a while.. I'd say 1 hour / 1 hour 30 per player, depending on experience. Looks more complex on the table than actually playing it.

Tides Of Time - 2 player card drafting game, fantastic artwork on all 18 or so cards, plays really quickly and very enjoyable. The very definition of a filler game, but one of the best fillers I've played.

Brew Crafters - Worker placement game, medium weight, with enough tokens and pieces of card to bury yourself alive in. I really liked this game, but the huge set up and tear down times mean it probably wont hit the table as much as other similar games. The sheer amount of options and scoring paths, mean it will take a while to narrow down some good strategies.
Eclipse + All Current Expansions - My favourite 4x board game, have played this a handful of times, and although playing against seasoned players, get plenty of enjoyment from this game. If you havent played it , I highly recommend it, but it can take a while.. I'd say 1 hour / 1 hour 30 per player, depending on experience. Looks more complex on the table than actually playing it.

There's two new Eclipse expansions coming out at Essen: the new boxed expansion and the Black Hole mini-expansion. Black Hole is fun - it's like the Wormholes from the first expansion, but you can emerge from any incomplete wormhole on the board.

I don't know what you're doing that makes games take 60-90 minutes per player, though. I've played it five player with three newbies in under three hours including setup, breakdown and teaching.
We had one complete beginner, not just to eclipse but to pretty much tabletop gaming in all. Couple that with set up / breakdown, and impromptu councils of war..., 4 players, 7 hours total... it'll be quicker next time Im sure...
Played a few games of Cardfight Vanguard recently with my wife and daughter.

most recent pickup as far as board games go was MTG:arena of planeswalkers, i had a game with the wife the other day and its very good on first impressions, made a lot of mistakes such as forgetting about hidden cards and abilitys of creatures but all round seemed very promising with a lot of potential when the expansions are coming and you get to customise the decks more.

picked up the 4+ verison of mouse trap as my youngest keeps wanting to join in more and helping mum or dad on a game doesnt go down that well... its very... meh... but its very cut back and purly luck based... i think ill customise a dice as the spinner doesnt work well imo.

also played a lot of snap with my youngest, turn out spare MTG basic land cards work perfectly for this with the 5 different classes of: sunny, fire, water, trees and spookys acording to my 3 year old :)
Finally got round to playing Rum'n'Bones.
Very good with simple mechanics. Played 3v2.
1st game with just the core box which me and my friends son won easily.
Then it was Hellrockerz vs Bone Devils (extras) which me and the missus only just won due to a perfectly timed card.
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