What game did you play last?

got pandemic recently. won first game quite easily, not sure if we got lucky, played well or missed a rule. It was a fun game though.
Played zombie dice and won last night vs 3 others.

Key is not to take too much risk at the start or when ahead :D

My partner was behind towards the end and did not bank 6 brains. Poor thing... Lol. She thought she would luck out like in the past and get 11 brains in one turn :p
Helped out at a charity board game day yesterday many many games played, but some of my highlights..

Codenames, excellent game, involving a grid of words, and trying to identify particular words from a 5x5 grid based on single word clues from a spymaster.

Shadowrun Crossfire - Deckbuilder, with a nice theme of progressively developed characters, probably the toughest deckbuilder I've played though, its murderously difficult with 2 players.

Flick 'Em Up! - Played yesterday and ordered 5 minutes later, a western themed dexterity game, flicking counters to move and shoot cowboy meeples, great fun.
Pandemic Legacy - Currently in August. Easily my game of the year. As a one off game it's good, though I'm not a huge fan of standard Pandemic (find it a bit dull, though I appreciate how good it is) but the Legacy experience of this make it amazing. It feels cinematic and you get that just once more feeling with the upgrades. Going to miss it once it's over.

Time Stories - Actually played this a couple of weeks ago. The best story driven game i have ever played. Sucks you into the world and like a good tabletop RPG, makes you start thinking as if you were. The incomplete information mechanic is excellent as it means only you know what you have looked at, everything else must be described by others. It is short, but it's an experience rather than a normal game.

Saint Petersburg - Excellent card drafting and engine building game. Theme is pretty much wafer thin, but you do feel you engine spluttering into life and it gives the impression of lots of paths to victory which is nice.

Between 2 Cities - Cooperative & Competitive tile laying game with a city building theme. Again wafer thin theme, but the fact that you are building 2 cities each one with a different player and the your lowest scoring of the 2 if your main score with your higher being your tie breaker work fantastically and gives it a really unique feel. Super quick too at around 20 minutes.

Shakespeare - Worker placement with a play performance theme. It was alright, mechanics solid enough, but just felt like any other average worker placement game that's already available with a small bidding mechanism for turn order twist. Not a bad game, but so many better out there.
Android Netrunner

Somehow managed to convince the wife to actually play it with me so had a couple of games, I've won them both as the Runner not sure if she is **** or we are just getting the rules wrong slightly :p
Flick'em Up - Western themed flicking game. Enjoyed this, but need to play it again to see how much variation there is in the scenarios as could see it getting boring quickly. The style of the game is cool and there are a lot of tactics with trying to position your guys, such as jump out, fire then jump back into cover, but if you touch something else when moving your position gets reset. But like I said, if the scenarios don't add some variation it will get dull as even towards the end with only a few guys left, it was starting to get a little repetitive.

Runebound 3rd Edition - Fantasy pickup and deliver questing. It was fun, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping. The pickup and deliver questing was good, if difficult, but the combat was way too hard to begin with. Unless you are lucky you cannot beat any monster on the board at the beginning which might be intentional, but none of us fought anything for the 1st half of the game at which point they got slightly harder. I like the experience system to buy skills, but your increase in actual strength is pretty much related to items and the steps are too big. Basically I saved up loads of gold then bought a new item in the first half and immediately felt a lot stronger and then repeated for the 2nd half. It was too big a jump rather than a nice gradual increase. Also all the monster feel the same as they all use the same tokens in the weird token casting system. Was hoping for a lighter Mage Knight ans was left disappointed.

Through the Ages (New version) - An Essen purchase that I finally got to the table (I replaced my old edition with it, so wasn't in a rush). Still my favorite epic civilization builder, but now with a much better art style and more helpful player boards. It's not a huge change but it does make everything a little smoother and the cards do seem a little better balanced. It's not going to be for everyone, there's no dudes on a map, also I hadn't played it in a while so a 3 player game took 3 hours with the odd rules checkup and new player explanation. Still I think it's great and I lost.

Pandemic Legacy - Finished it. What a game, what a roller coaster. My 2nd 10 on BGG.
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Pandemic Legacy worth the asking price? Likely only able to play with 2 players... (no spoilers though!)

I've not been in this thread in a while but recently we have played:

Thunderbirds - damned tough co-op game but we finally got our first win!

Yardmaster - Colour/Number matching of cards (think dominoes/quirkle) with a train theme. Fun light game.

Sushi Go - Fun, quick and kinda frustrating! All good :D

Burgle Bro's - Kickstarter finally arrived! Utterly brilliant game and all stuffed inside a tiny box. Well worth checking out if you like co-ops! :)
had an early Christmas day yesterday that turned into a sort of family game day.

Played a good few games of Dobble and Dobble kids edition.

I got the wife Carcassonne for Christmas and its the first time we have played it... then we played it again later that night as it was a very simple but very fun game.

the kids got me both starter sets for Star Wars X-wing and I had a quick tutorial game with the wife yesterday, very fun and already loving the idea of having a small army each in a death match.

also got the eldest Monopoly junior as she sees monopoly as a board game, I must admit I enjoyed it a lot more then I remember traditional monopoly as its stripped back to basics and only lasts about 30 mins.

finally got the youngest Shopkins Frustration... I understand why its called frustration, I did argue it should be called ******** after I got stuck and for about 14 turns didn't roll my final needed six... unfortunately it goes on for a long time and the youngest did get bored before the end of it.

end result it I love Carcassonne and X-Wing, Dobble games and Monopoly Jr are great simple family games.... lets just say ill only play frustration when asked by the kids!

now to try find the time to give Zombicide a game, my wife and I both got a MTG commander deck each so need to give EDH a go and also I still haven't had a game of Star Wars: Imperial assault so maybe try having a game of that before new year.
Had a go of Bomb Squad today but as it was our first game we played without the timer. Probably took a little bit too long but the general mechanic is fun and I can see this being a challenge! :)
Got a dice masters starter set for the wife for xmas...already looks like i am going to be looking into some more ^_^
Had a few games of Ticket to Ride:Switzerland the past few days. The wife beat me by 1 point.

I played the Europe edition with some friends the other day. My sister in law's husband hammered us all by making a continuous line with all his pieces. I came second, which I didn't think was bad for my first time playing!

We also played Forbidden Island and we won, yay! You don't compete with the other players, but against the game itself.
Been playing 7 Wonders Duels, which is a nice two player version of 7 Wonders. Very close, each win has been by a point or so.

Also started playing the new Warhammer Quest cooperative card game, that is good fun.
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