Flick'em Up - Western themed flicking game. Enjoyed this, but need to play it again to see how much variation there is in the scenarios as could see it getting boring quickly. The style of the game is cool and there are a lot of tactics with trying to position your guys, such as jump out, fire then jump back into cover, but if you touch something else when moving your position gets reset. But like I said, if the scenarios don't add some variation it will get dull as even towards the end with only a few guys left, it was starting to get a little repetitive.
Runebound 3rd Edition - Fantasy pickup and deliver questing. It was fun, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping. The pickup and deliver questing was good, if difficult, but the combat was way too hard to begin with. Unless you are lucky you cannot beat any monster on the board at the beginning which might be intentional, but none of us fought anything for the 1st half of the game at which point they got slightly harder. I like the experience system to buy skills, but your increase in actual strength is pretty much related to items and the steps are too big. Basically I saved up loads of gold then bought a new item in the first half and immediately felt a lot stronger and then repeated for the 2nd half. It was too big a jump rather than a nice gradual increase. Also all the monster feel the same as they all use the same tokens in the weird token casting system. Was hoping for a lighter Mage Knight ans was left disappointed.
Through the Ages (New version) - An Essen purchase that I finally got to the table (I replaced my old edition with it, so wasn't in a rush). Still my favorite epic civilization builder, but now with a much better art style and more helpful player boards. It's not a huge change but it does make everything a little smoother and the cards do seem a little better balanced. It's not going to be for everyone, there's no dudes on a map, also I hadn't played it in a while so a 3 player game took 3 hours with the odd rules checkup and new player explanation. Still I think it's great and I lost.
Pandemic Legacy - Finished it. What a game, what a roller coaster. My 2nd 10 on BGG.