What game did you play last?

Last played Codenames, 7 Wonders and Love Letter over here - I like my games short!
I wouldn't consider 7 Wonders a short game, at least when our group is playing... we send far too much time negotiating and discussing the politics of our ancient cities. :D

We ended up playing D&D 5th Edition last night, gotta say I really didn't enjoy it at all. I don't know if it's because I was coming back to D&D after 3 years of Pathfinder & Numenera, whether it was because the GM was running a scenario that was way beyond the abilities of two characters or due to the system itself... the game just left a sort of stale feeling when it ended.
5th Edition seems to be getting praise for being easy to pick up but I agree with you. We stick to Pathfinder but playetested 5th Edition (a while back) and I didn't like it at all.

Played Boss Monster which was entertaining and easy to pick up and play.
Build your dungeon of 5 cards and let adventurers go through it whilst you kill them.
I'd agree with the consensus that 5th edition is easy to pick-up and drop into, it takes very little time to piece together a character and get playing.
Forgot to list my Tuesday plays. Warmed up with some Crokinole, then a four-player game of Hyperborea (the rare game that really plays in the time stated on the box - it was100 minutes including setup and breakdown with two newbies, and I could have ended it sooner if I didn't mind being dead last). We finished with a seven-player round of Internal Affairs; I won with the Triads after starting as a Cop, which was nice.
The last game I played was Above and Below with my wife and a friend. The art is lovely, the game plays well but every time I play I find myself wishing it lasted just a round or two longer.

I came out victorious on this occasion after picking up the star house that rewards building and creating a huge village in the 'above' portion of the game. I only dungeon dived once or twice.
Played Armada and lost (again) a couple of days ago but I am getting better as the Imperial side. I tend to lose regardless of which side I play as I suck at planning ahead in games like this. Otherwise I have been playing Hostage Negotiator if I don't get too tied up with MSGV on the PS4 :).
Played Blood Rage last night for the first time. Proved that I couldn't be a viking.
Interesting mechanics in that the deck building is exactly like 7 Wonders and the fighting is a little bit Munckin-esque (you only play one card against another player but you can cause them problems if you know you will lose).
Nice models and presentation as I've come to expect from CMON.

Also got in a game of Forbidden Island which we hadn't played before. Very similar to Pandemic (job roles, hold back the water rather than the infection) but you have to get treasures (4 identical cards and be on the same spot as a treasure icon) and then everyone has to get out (ala Zombies!!).
Was fun. Only had 4 tiles left in the end so it was close.
Getting around to finishing my 7 year old Golden Sun game save on the GBA, such a charming little game.

On PC, it was Insurgency last night.

wrong thread xD
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Also got in a game of Forbidden Island which we hadn't played before. Very similar to Pandemic (job roles, hold back the water rather than the infection) but you have to get treasures (4 identical cards and be on the same spot as a treasure icon) and then everyone has to get out (ala Zombies!!).
Was fun. Only had 4 tiles left in the end so it was close.

I really enjoy forbidden island, its by the same guy who designed pandemic (and forbidden desert) and it shows, I find that a couple of the classes make the game much easier then others but its a very fun 30 min game and with a very simple rule set its easy to show new players.
Latest game we tried last night was "Forbidden Island". A good pick-up-and-play game without spending half an hour setting up and hours and hours to play (very useful when you have a 7-month old baby!)
Had a bit of a sesh over the weekend and played:

Battlestar Galactica - Was my first time playing this and personally I found it incredibly boring up until the sleeper phase. I wasn't a cylon, but I was thrown in the brig and it was fun dealing the problems the 2 cylons were orchestrating.

Sid Meier's Civilisation: The Boardgame - I really, really enjoyed this. It is an absolute bitch to set up and put away, but in our 4 player game, I felt it was worth it. First time playing this, went for a culture victory with China and got absolutely railroaded by Russia's significantly better army. USA managed to win a very sneaky economic victory before anyone realised.

Game of Thrones: The Boardgame - Again, first time for me. Played as the Greyjoys against 5 players who had already played the game before. Unfortunately because I was unfamiliar with the rules, I totally sucked at this. But keen to try again, does seem like a fun game.
I (own and) played Game of Thrones last year. Quite complicated, but great fun. Our game took about 3 hours, 4 players, to get half way. I then realised I could cap two more castles in my next move for the win and no-one could stop me... so it finished sooner than we thought.

Good game, but I recommend at least 5 or 6 players and a good 5 hours to play!
Latest game we tried last night was "Forbidden Island". A good pick-up-and-play game without spending half an hour setting up and hours and hours to play (very useful when you have a 7-month old baby!)

I've just finished a game of that with my Mrs. She's a bit hesitant about games that require a lot of skill or cunning, so I think she liked that we were playing cooperatively rather than against each other. We won, by the skin of our teeth, hurrah!

I also played carcassonne with my kids for the first time this afternoon. They're 6 and 9. We got on ok. We played very basic rules - just the core set and no farms - which made it easier. 9 year old won by getting some big cities completed.
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