Game night last night for me as well. Played a couple of hands of Red 7 while we waited for the last person to arrive. It's basically Fluxx except good.
After that I got a new acquisition onto the table: King Chocolate, an abstract area control/logistics game. Players move cubes through six stages of making chocolate, and each time a cube moves off a stage whoever controls the area it came from earns $1. However, you can only control four of the six stages personally, so your aim is to make it appealing for other players to cooperate with you either by picking up your cubes so they can move them on from their own areas or sending their cubes to you so that you can do it.
Lastly we had a game of Belfort, the city building game where you use elves, dwarfs and gnomes to construct the five districts of a city. Points are scored for building the majority in each of the districts and for employing the most of the three different races - but for every full 5 points you score, you get taxed $1 in every following round.For once I didn't win, mostly because I forgot I could use guilds in the first round, but I only finished 3 points down and I did perfectly hit tax breakpoints in both the first two scoring rounds so I'm pleased with that.